Chapter 6. Fondness

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 After the movie had ended, they both sat in silence for a while. They both could hear the blaring music coming from the party next door, which they were technically supposed to be at. Almost as if right on time, George heard his phone ring. They both looked at each other then, at the now halfway eaten popcorn bowl and back at each other. George searched through his pocket and found the vibrating, glowing, phone. George answered the phone and pressed speaker.

 "Hey hunny," He heard his mom's voice say. "Where are you? And, is Clay with you?" "I'm at our apartment, and yes. Dre- uh, Clay is with me." George answered as he set the phone in the middle of the couch next to the popcorn bowl. Dream looked at the phone that was down in front of him. "Oh, ok sweety! Make sure you guys don't stay up too late! I should be back there in maybe 3 hours or so." They heard her sweet voice say. "3 hours?? Won't it be like, 2 am?" George asked. "Yea. but i'm just happy you're finding a friend! So you guys have fun!" She said. George looked up at Dream who was now leaning in closer to the phone to hear better. George lowered his head the same as Dream but then felt a head of hair brush against his own. George looked up and saw Dream also looking back at him with green curious eyes. 

All the lights were off, but George could still see Dream's face due to the light coming off of the TV screen. "Alright mom." George said as he looked shyly back at the phone. "Alright, Cya later! Love you!" His mom said as strange party noises came from the other end of the line. "Love you, bye." George said before hanging up and putting the phone back in his pocket. 

Dream was sitting up now and looking at George with a warm smile. George leaned his head back down, despite the weird position, it felt almost, comfortable. Dream watched as George hung his head low and let out a small sigh, *Alright, why not.* He thought to himself as he leaned his head forward as well and lightly bumped his against George's. George pulled his head back for a second but leaned it forward once more and bumped into Dream's. They both kept their eyes down glued to the bowl of popcorn.

Dream heard a small chuckle and leaned his head up ever so slightly just enough so he could see George's face. George had a big grin on his face as he let out another chuckle. "What are you doing?" George whispered softly. Dream continued to look at George with their heads still touching and resting against each other. "I don't know." Dream whispered back. George laughed this time. But not a full on laugh. It was a soft, sweet, innocent, laugh. And Dream loved it. He loved every time George laughed. It sounded so real. So genuine. George disconnected their foreheads and sat there smiling up at Dream. Dream sat back up and smiled back.

 They continued to stare at each other until George tilted his head back and let out a small sneeze. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Dream said instantly laughing. "Um, a sneeze?" George responded confused. "THAT'S YOUR SNEEZE?!" Dream said through a fit of laughter. "Uh, yea?" George said, still confused. "WHY WAS IT SO SMALL?!" Dream blurted out between wheezes and giggles. "I don't know?" George said as he let out a small laugh.

 They continued to laugh until they heard someone messing with the front door handle and eventually opened it. George's mom walked through the doorway and smiled at them. "Hey boys!" She said with a cheery grin as she set a plastic bag down on the kitchen counter. "Hey Mrs. Davison!" Dream said as he got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. George followed him and they all started talking. Eventually George's mom realized something, "Oh yea! Clay, your mother told me to tell you to head back home now." She said with an apologetic look in her eyes. "Oh, alright..." Dream said as he turned to George with a frown. "George, would you like to walk Clay back to his apartment? I mean, I know it's right next door, but I have a feeling you want too anyways, am I correct?" His mom said with a knowing smile on her face. George blushed a bit and said, "Sure, Come on Dream!" George said with a smile. Dream tried his best to smile as well, but he didn't want to leave George. Not yet. It felt like the time they had spent together felt like 10 minutes, when in reality, it was over 3 hours.

 Dream and George walked out of the apartment in silence, it wasn't an awkward silence though. It was a safe, comfortable silence. When they got there. They both looked at the door that was slightly open with some music leaking through the cracked door, (although, at a much quieter volume). They turned to each other almost in sync. "Well, I better head back to my room now." George said disappointedly. "Yea." Was all Dream could respond with. He didn't know if he should give him a hug, or just simply wave goodbye. Dream resisted the urge to hug George and instead settled with a small awkward wave. George let out a soft giggle and returned the gesture. 

Dream watched as George walked away and was about to go into his own room when he turned to face him once more. "Hey George!" Dream yelled, catching the attention of George who was half way through his doorway. "Cya tomorrow!" He yelled and with that, Dream Walked in the room and shut the door behind him. *tomorrow?* George thought. Had they said anything about meeting the next day? He didn't think so, and frankly, he was too tired to think long and hard about it. George went into his apartment and walked straight to his room and fell face first on his bed. He let out a long sigh as he rolled over and stared at the ceiling, with Dream's voice still echoing in his mind.

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