Chapter 2: Dust and Discoveries

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As I slowly opened my eyes, the dimly lit room came into focus, revealing the layers of dust that coated every surface. "Oh god! Do I have to clean all of this by myself?" I exclaimed, a mix of frustration and resignation coloring my voice. In my old life, living with my parents, such tasks were never my responsibility. The weight of adulthood and the challenges that came with it settled upon my shoulders as I pondered the hardships of striving for success.

Shaking off the momentary lament, I pushed myself up from the dusty bed, determined to tackle the unpacking that awaited me. But before I could fully immerse myself in the task at hand, a symphony of grumbling emerged from my stomach, reminding me that I had not eaten since the previous night. Glancing out of the window, I noticed that darkness had already descended upon the world outside. "I should grab something to eat first," I murmured to myself.

Leaving the confines of the house, I found solace in the fact that Toronto was not lacking in dining options. It didn't take long for me to discover a nearby restaurant, where I sat down to satisfy my hunger. Aware of the work that awaited me, I made sure to grab some snacks for a late-night companion, warding off the pangs of hunger that might strike as I toiled away. It seemed only fair to consider the old lady, Jennifer, who owned the house. Maintaining a good relationship with her was vital if I wanted to secure my place in this conveniently located, affordable haven.

As I walked back through the damp streets, snacks in hand, I reached the house sooner than expected. The thought of a warm, well-deserved bed called to me, but first, I needed to find Jennifer. I called out her name a few times, but there was no response. Concerned, I decided to venture upstairs, intending to leave the snacks in her room for her to find upon her return.

The wooden stairs, though worn and creaking with age, held an elegance in their ancient, royal design. Each step echoed with the sound of my weight upon it. Upon reaching the top, I noticed three rooms. One had a lock on the door, another was closed, and the middle one was slightly ajar, revealing a soft glow of light. Instinctively, I assumed Jennifer was inside that room.

Just as I was about to knock on the door, my eyes caught sight of a peculiar sight. Jennifer sat on the floor, in front of a candle, muttering incomprehensible words. As a Muslim, I reasoned that these were perhaps words of her own religious practice, foreign to me. "Hey, Ms. Jennifer," I called out, attempting to interrupt her trance-like state.

Startled, she blew out the candle and turned towards me, wearing an expression of surprise. I offered her the snacks, and she came closer, accepting them with a strange smile on her face. "Thank you so much," she said, her voice filled with an undertone of something unexplained. She appeared to be sweating profusely, adding to the mystery that surrounded her behavior.

Feeling that I might have interrupted her prayers, I quickly apologized. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I didn't mean to intrude." Her response was kind, assuring me that it was alright. We exchanged pleasantries, and I made my way back downstairs to my room, convinced that everything was normal.

Little did I know that this encounter was just the beginning, a mere glimpse into the enigma that was Jennifer and the house that held secrets far deeper than I could have imagined.

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