Chapter 5

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Dara was smiling manically at the TV thinking of ways to get back at that slimy, two faced, jerk when Suzy arrived at 10:30 in the evening, surprised to see her still awake.

"You're still awake?" Suzy asked closing the door behind her. "Where've you been anyway? They told me you were off."

"Yep," Dara answered then frowned at the thought that Donghae was the one who had informed her. "I was informed late."

Suzy sat down on the couch with her. "So where'dya go?"

"Had a date with the guy I was telling you about," Dara said.

Suzy beamed. "Really? Oh my gosh! You finally admit you liked him? How did it go?"

Dara smirked sarcastically. "It was enlightening." She picked up the crumpled paper with the bet written on it. "This is the highlight of my life."

"What's that?" Suzy asked taking the paper. Her eyes were wide after reading it. "Lee Donghae is the guy you were talking about?"

"Mm hmm."

"Lee Donghae?! He's like, one those filthy rich people featured on Time Magazine! And Kim Kibum? Cho Kyuhyun? Kim Yesung? Lee Eunhyuk? Lee Sungmin? And our CEO Choi Siwon?" Suzy asked incredulously. "They are like, one of the most powerful, well known names in the country!"

Dara narrowed her eyes. "And apparently, they got too bored with their wealth so they decided to play a game on an innocent girl. They never changed. They were like that in high school and boy, it pisses me off how they always manipulate the student body, and they're still the same. Although, I really can't remember most of them."

Suzy's eyes got wider. "Wait. They're your schoolmates??"

Dara glanced at Suzy. Suzy was never aware that Dara's family had been well-off once and could afford to go to school of the elite. When she met her, Dara was already struggling to get through finances, college tuition, and going to Busan, where they moved after her father died, to help her mother's laundry business then travelling back to Seoul for her studies. She wanted to quit but her mother insisted she continue college to get a better future.

"Yeah," Dara said turning her attention back at the TV not really going into details.

Suzy's forehead creased at Dara's vague answer but didn't prod her. She looked back at the paper again. "So CEO Siwon knows you from way back in your teens?"

"I think so since he decided it was fun to play a game on me."

"I think he was against it," Suzy said putting the paper in front of Dara and pointing at a different handwriting. "See here? I think this was CEO Siwon's writing that he wanted Lee Donghae to apologize to you if he lost and funds to be tranferred at your bank. Like a last minute input."

"Yeah, I kinda figured that out but it feels good blaming him too. I can't believe he's making me a charity case."

"Why would you think that?"

Dara sighed before deciding to tell Suzy. "My father was filthy rich too when I was younger and these guys... we all attended the same high school together. Then my father died and left us with a lot of debts. We were driven out of the house with no money, not even a shilling, and we were left to ask for help from our relatives who let us rent a little house in Busan where my mother started her business and getting three jobs so we would have something to eat. Siwon probably knows that. I don't know about his rotten friends but I'm guessing they're too thick to actually comprehend that wealthy people get sucked out of money too. My life is pretty dramatic."

Suzy was silent and Dara looked at her then grimaced at the look of pity on her eyes. "Oh please," Dara said. "That is why I don't want to tell you anything. I hate that look!" She could remember the look her aunts, her uncles, her cousins, their family's so called friends giving them that look but always finding excuses when they are asking for help. It was her worst and best memory. Worst as they found out their life was sorrounded by hypocrites and best because it's what made her stronger. Mentally that is.

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