Chapter 21

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Dara threw Donghae a wry look when she saw where he had drove to after his boxing lessons. Donghae was grinning like a kid and waggled his eyebrows at her when he saw her looking at him dryly.

"Really?" Dara said. "An amusement park?" She glanced at the Welcome To SeoulLand printed at the front of the entrance from the car window.

"It's the perfect place to have fun while you're sitting. You didn't have to do much," Donghae reasoned while grinning as he found a parking spot. He had already changed into a t-shirt he brought with him and Dara had to stare at the window the whole time he was changing. This guy is so confident with his body she wanted to smack him to stop parading it in front of her. It's making her feel much more self conscious especially now that she admitted that she found him really attractive. Gawd, her thoughts!! Her thoughts are gearing towards a dangerous and an embarassing direction.

Donghae stepped out of the car after parking it on an available space and helped her get out. The pain in her leg is now faint and easy to ignre but it still feels uncomfortable when she pressed on her weight for walking.

She sighed as she waited for Donghae to buy the tickets. She could remembered going here as her first date with him before she found out about the bet. What are the odds this is where he would take her again. Does this place held some kind of memorable experience for him or something? She rolled her eyes at that thought. Donghae jogged over to her holding the tickets and they went inside, with Dara lightly limping.

Any thoughts of the pain in her leg all flew out of her consciousness when they tried the World Cup ride. Yes, she didn't have to do much. Except screaming to kill Donghae when it's all over. Her stomach felt funny after the ride and she felt she's going to puke. Her eyes felt like it's going in different directions and her good leg is wobbling when they stepped down. Donghae looked a little pale but he managed to grin and sheepishly say, "Maybe we need to go with the safe rides."

After trying the bumper car, Donghae clasped her hands and steered her to the direction of an ice cream shop and bought two cones. They sat on a nearby bench and just watched the passers by. Families with their kids, lovers... Dara just watched them before it a sense of deja-vu hit her. Isn't this happened before?

"Hey," she heard Donghae called beside her and she turned only to get flicked in the forehead.

She glared at him while rubbing her forehead. "Ow!"

Donghae just laughed as if seeing her contorted face is amusing him. What a total ass.

"You know, I feel like we are rewinding history here," Dara said after Donghae's laughter subsided.

"Yeah, we are," Donghae said, the laughter still in his eyes. "Kind of making up the errors on the first time we went out."

Dara just stared at Donghae with her brows furrowed. She didn't want to admit it but she felt touched that Donghae wanted to replay what happened the first time they went on their supposed first date before the whole Bet and Deal fiasco. It doesn't matter to her what his reasons are. The mere fact that he was trying to make it up is enough for her to feel encased in an undefinable surge of emotions that she doesn't have any idea how to react to. She smirked instead holding her ice cream. "Then you do know what's gonna happen next, right?"

"Yeah, I do," Donghae said and without hesitation, his ice cream went straight to her face and she stood up growling at him. "You idiot!" She said wiping it off her face while he laughed. She took a step toward him and he jumped to get away from her, shaking his head.

"Get back here!" Dara said curing her limping leg. If it's functioning well, she could definitely outrun him. Ugh, the ice cream is already getting sticky on her face. "That's not fair!"

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