The Shooting (Requested)

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You drive up Vada's street, parking outside her house before pulling out your phone to text her.

Y/n 🥵

Hey baby

I'm parked outside

V 🧎‍♀️

Be there soon

Mom's on my ass because she found out we drank last night 🙃

Y/n 🥵

Want me to come save you?


Unless you want your head bit off I'd keep the engine running

Making a run for it

You chuckle, putting your phone in the cup holder before leaning back in your car seat.

Soon enough, you see your girlfriend walking out of her house, closing the door before entering your car.

She opens the door and gets in, throwing her backpack in the backseat as you smile at her.

"What's the verdict? Forbidden from going to the party on Friday?" You ask.

She smirks, grabbing your chin in her hand and pulling you in for a kiss.

"Have some faith in me, babe, I charmed my way out of it."

You smirk, kissing her again before leaning back in your seat.

"Good, Mia wanted us to come," You say, checking your mirrors before driving off to your high school.

You see Vada look at you with a raised eyebrow, and you chuckle.

"Why does she want me there too? So I can sit and watch her eye-fucking you all night?" Vada rolls her eyes, crossing her arms as she leans back in her seat.

"Has she been doing that? I haven't noticed, my love. Too busy drooling over how hot you look when you're jealous." You grin, kissing her cheek quickly before driving off as the red light turns green.

You park your car near the corner of the high school parking lot, turning the engine off. You look to your left, your girlfriend meeting your gaze.

"Are you mad at me?" you ask.

She's silent for a moment, and you fear your suspicion is correct, but then she cups your face and gives you her signature smirk.

"You worry too much", she whispers before kissing you.

You smile against her lips, kissing her back before you both head inside your high school building.

Hand in hand, you walk down the corridor and stop at your locker. Emptying your backpack, you close your locker while Vada locks her eyes on something behind you.

You raise your eyebrow at her, turning around to see Mia walking towards you both with a smile.

You chuckle quietly, and much to Jenna's dismay, you move to hug Mia once she's beside you.

Mia gives Vada a quick hug before pulling back with a grin.

"So, are you guys coming on Friday?"

You nod, wrapping your arm around Vada's waist. Between the two of you, only Vada seems to notice the slight falter in Mia's happy expression at the sight.

"Great! I'll see you for 3rd period Y/n" she waves, disappearing down the corridor with her group of friends.

"Bitch" you hear your girlfriend mumble under her breath.

"You're terrible babe." You kiss her cheek with a smile.

The day seems to pass by slowly. Remembering who Y/n sits next to during 3rd period, Vada decides to send her a text.

V 🧎‍♀️

Hey baby ❤️

Vada doesn't have to wait long before her girlfriend responds.

Y/n 🥵

Sorry babe I was just talking to Mia

What's up?

Vada knew her girlfriend was messing with her but decided not to comment.

V 🧎‍♀️

Meet me in the bathroom?

I'm bored 😞

Y/n ❤️

Say less babe

Vada smiles at that. She asked her teacher to go to the bathroom and descended the stairs.

Opening the door, she sees you leaning against one of the bathroom sinks, waiting for her.

"How did you get here so fast?" Vada chuckles, walking up and hugging you tight.

You hug her back, mumbling "If you asked me to fly across the world with you I would."

Your girlfriend pulls back and you see her smile. "That was so fucking cheesy but I love you."

"I love you t-"

You're cut off by the sound of gunshots, followed by screaming.

Both of you freeze in place and look at each other with terrified eyes.

Snapping out of it, you pull Vada to the nearest stall and close it quickly.

The screaming gets louder as you hear more gunshots.

You start shaking in fear as tears fall from your eyes. You look at Vada to see her already sobbing quietly.

You realise your feet are still visible so you step onto the toilet seat, helping Vada up and clinging onto her tightly.

Vada's sobs get louder so you cup her face, whispering urgently.

"Baby I need you to breathe with me. We need to stay quiet."

She nods, looking into your eyes as she takes some quiet but deep breaths.

The tears don't stop falling from either of your eyes.

Once her breathing quietened, you bury your face in her neck, silently praying that you'll both be safe.


Tried to make it as least traumatic as possible 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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