Falsely Accused (Part 1) (Requested)

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Y/n's POV

It's been a week since ghostface had made a return and attempted to murder another innocent person.

This time, his target was Tara Carpenter—your girlfriend.

You were devastated when you got the call from a panicked Sam. She explained Tara got stabbed multiple times and was rushed to the hospital.

You were the first to get to the hospital, and it broke you when you first saw her.


You lean forward in your chair, head in your hands, as you silently curse yourself for not staying at her place overnight. She was attacked hours after you left.

You hear someone speak up, and you look to see it's a nurse.

"Are you Tara Carpenter's girlfriend? She's asking about you" The nurse sent you a small smile.

You nodded quickly and entered the room.

The sight that met you made your knees buckle.

Your girlfriend was lying back on the bed, her head turning to look at you.

Despite the obvious pain, she still sends you that smile you adore.

You walk over to her bed and sit on the chair beside her.

"I'm so sorry, my love", you whisper, looking down at your lap as the tears fall from your eyes and onto your jeans.

"Stop. Don't you dare," she tells you seriously, her voice hoarse.

You reach to hold her hand, running your thumb over her knuckles softly. You're careful not to touch the bandaged palm of her hand, not wanting to cause her more pain.

"I love you so much. I'm so glad you're okay."

"That fucker can't get rid of me that easily", she whispers, making you chuckle as you wipe the tears from your cheeks.

"I'm not leaving this room until you're discharged," you tell her. The guilt of being unable to protect her eats away at you the more you look at her fragile state.

"I'm too tired to argue about that, so just shut up and come here", she mumbles, patting the space beside her on the bed.

You carefully lay beside her on the bed, kissing her forehead as she takes your hand, intertwining your fingers.

You lay there silently for a few minutes before speaking up.

"You didn't say it back," you mumble, turning your head to look at her again.

She looks at you, confused for a second, before smirking slightly.

"You're such a softie."

You roll your eyes and smile when she touches your cheek.

"I love you too," she whispers, kissing your lips. You kiss her back, tears threatening to escape your eyes again.

Pulling back, you look into your girlfriend's eyes. Before you can start speaking again, you hear the door open.

You tense, sitting up until you realise it's Sam, your friend group and a guy you don't recognise.

You get up from the bed, letting Sam greet her sister properly while you walk up to Mindy.

She opens her arms, and you hug her tight. "Are you guys all okay?" you look to the rest of your friends once you pull back from Mindy.

They all reassure you they're fine before each of them gives you a quick hug.

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