Choosing Ceremony

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16 years later

Makayla POV

Today is the day is my choosing, the day I decide if I stay dauntless or go to another faction. I smell food so I go downstairs to see my mom cooking my favorite for breakfast, dauntless cake pancake.

"Good Morning honey are you nervous about today?" my mom asked placing the pancakes in front of me.

" I am a little." I admit as my little brother, Adam walk in.

"Good Morning folks." he says sitting down across from me.

"Were is daddy?" I ask mom while stuffing my face with pancakes.

"He is have a meeting with the other fellow dauntless leaders before the choosing ceremony." she says chuckling obviously hiding something from me.

"Well I am about to get ready if Brain comes tell him to come up to my room." I say

"Okay honey." mom says giving me a knowing smile. She thinks I like Brain but we are only friends in fact he is my best friend.

"Oh and mom, thanks for the pancakes." I say as I run to my room

"You are welcome." She says smiling to herself.

After I get out of the shower I get dressed in a black dress and some black heels. I then put on some light makeup and I wear my hair in its natural curls. After I get done doing my hair Brain comes in the room with a sad smile on his face.

"Hey Baby Doll." he said flopping on my bed.

"Hey Bookworm" I say turning looking at him

"So are you ready do you know what faction you are choosing?" he asks looking nervous.

"Yeah, I am staying here." I say smiling. "Do you know what faction you are choosing?"

"Um well I think I am going to Erudite, but if someone tells me they want me to stay, then I will stay in Dauntless." he said looking at me with something in his eyes that I couldn't make out.

Well he is book smart I wouldn't be surprised when he said Erudite, but what is he talking about maybe he wants Emily to tell him to stay. I know she like him.

"You would do good in Erudite and maybe Emily will tell you to stay." I say smiling.

"Really Makayla are you really not seeing what I am saying to you." he says looking at me like I am crazy.

"What, did I say something wrong?" I ask nervously.

"No,it just you don't get it I was hoping that you would want me to stay because, you love me like I love you. I don't mean love like friends I mean love like you being with me for the rest of my life love!" he says

What! Did he just say he loved me! No I was hearing him wrong let me ask he what he said.

"What di-" is what I get out before Brain kisses me full on the lips.

When he pulls away. he hugs me.

"Bye Makayla see you at the Choosing ceremony "he says before kissing my cheek and leaving my room and me dumbfounded about what happened.

A few minutes later I go downstairs to see daddy and mommy talking and daddy holding a present.

"Hey daddy!" I say running and hugging him.

"Hey baby girl I got you something, but you have to close your eyes first" he says smiling.

"Okay." I say covering my eyes.

"Okay now open it." he says

When I uncover my eyes I see a necklace in the shape of a heart with my name on it.

"Oh it beautiful thank you!" I say hugging him

"There is more it has a second piece for me, mine has hole for were your heart goes and it says there is this girl she stole my heart she calls me daddy." he says smiling.

"Thank you I love it." I say kissing him on the cheek.

"Okay I am sorry to break up this cute moment but we have to go now or else we will be late." mom says pushing us towards the door.

The Choosing Ceremony

When we got there my parents and Adam went to sit down in there sits and I sat were the Es were supposed to sit. Brain sat in front of me because his last name started with a C. Brain waved at me and I waved back awkwardly. Maybe him leaving Dauntless is good. The ceremony starts and the entire room becomes quiet. A few important people give speeches then the names are called.

Since Brain name is before mine he goes first, he goes down to the bowl and cut his hand and puts over the bowl for Erudite. He then goes to sit with Erudite while his parents look shocked and sad. A few minute later they call my name and I cut my hand and choose Dauntless like I said I would and went and sat with dauntless and getting slapped on the back and high fives. I hope I am okay with my decision because there is no turning back.

Soo that is the end of the story. If you want me to make sequel comment. Thanks guys for supporting through this story. I had so much fun writing it and I loved every bit of it thank you guys. love ya.


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