Divergent: No War

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Yes I know everyone uses this idea but I like it and I want to put my own twist on it so enjoy!

Chapter 1

Tris pov.

Today is the day that initiates choose their jobs and I go first. I still don't know what I want to do. It was nine so I have until one to know what I want . I think I am going to do something were I can be near Tobias most of the time but I don't want to seem too clingy. Before I knew it, it was 12:30 I only have 30 minutes to get dressed! I threw a black t shirt and some black pants and converse and walked to the training room with Christina . " So how is Four treating you?" Christina asked"Good we are so happy we don't have to keep our relationship a secret anymore."" Are you guys going to move in with each other ?""No we don't want to go too fast we want to take it slow, are you and Will moving in together?" " Yea we are we talked and we want to take it slow but we want to move in together still."" Oh that's awesome ."" What's the matter did you want me to move in with you tris."" No well maybe but I am happy for you ." We finally made it to the training room. I looked at the clock it was 12:50. It was only me, Christina , and Uriah. " Hey " said Uriah " hey" me and Christina said at the same time. I looked at the clock again and it read 12:59. "People should be coming in soon" Uriah said. Then people started piling in ,the last people to come in was Tobias and Eric. " Okay you guys today is the day you choose your jobs and you get you apartment." Tobias said his voice so deep and sexy.""Okay Tris you are first what are your two jobs." "Control room and initiate trainer." "Okay your apartment is 467 ( A/N :I had to put those numbers together four plus 6 then the seven because she use to have seven fears.)here is your key." " Thanks" I zoned out after my friends Christina, Will and Uriah choose their jobs and apartments. " okay everyone that it you can find your apartments in across the pit by the mall." Tobias said snapping me back to reality with his voice. Everyone left in search of their apartment while I stayed behind to talk to Tobias waiting for Eric to leave. "Okay I will leave because I don't want to see you guys kiss ugh."" Bye Eric" said Tobias After he left me and Tobias kissed his lips are so soft and sweet. He kissed me with passion and love. I pulled away grinning then ran for my apartment. I heard him start running after me. I made it to my apartment when he was crossing the pit. I put my key in the lock but it wouldn't turn unfortunately Tobias caught up to me and whispered in my ear and said " You....are.....so.....cute." He said in a low sexy voice that made me shudder. "Four I can't get the dang door open." I said changing the subject." "Okay let me see and don't try to change the subject missy."" Okay father." "Please you would love to have have a sexy father like me." "Oh shutup." "Got the door open."He said. "Thank you sweetie I was never going to get that door opened." "I know ."" Wow" I said my apartment was big. "Wow your apartment is amazing wish I kept my apartment like this and by the way I live down the hall from you."" Oh that is great I thought I recognized this hallway."" Okay so I am going to let you get settled in oh and you can buy your furniture from the mall in the furniture store."" Okay thanks I will call you if I need help." " Okay bye" he said while giving me a kiss. I then went to my bedroom and saw that it was empty so I decide to scoop up Will, Uriah and Tobias. I first went to Tobias apartment. " Hey I know you were just at my apartment but do want to help me with getting some furniture."" Sure of course I would."" Okay we also have get Will and Uriah so they can help."" Okay." So we went to Will and Christina apartment. I knocked on their door and Christina answered wearing nothing but a sheet I covered my eyes while I said "Hey can Will help me put some furniture in my apartment."" Yea sure as long as I can come with you guys."" Of course you can and why are you naked?" "You don't want to know and tell your boyfriend that he can take his hands down." "Okay Tobias go ask Uriah if he wants to help.""Okay."" Girl please go get dressed so that we can get this over with."" Okay I am tired too girl we just used Zeke's old furniture as our new furniture .""Oh." Afterward Christina and Will got dressed and Tobias and Uriah came back we went to the mall.


3 hours later

Afterward we got back from the mall we started painting my rooms my bedroom was painted with paint balls, then my bathroom purple, living room a creme color and my kitchen brown. The men then started putting together my furniture afterward they finished me and Christina decorated my rooms. First we did the bathroom with black and purple curtains and towels. Then we put my paintball splattered comforter on my bed. Then we put black pillows on my red couch and put a fruit bowl on my bar. After we were finished which was around 11:00 pm we all was so tired that we barley say our goodbyes and get out the door. Tobias was the last to leave so he gave me a kiss very passionately." Good night Tris."" Good night and hey why don't you stay in my apartment tonight I am scared to sleep by myself in this big apartment."" Ok I will stay until you go to sleep."" Okay." We went to my room." Sweetie I am going to go take a shower and I will be right out."" Ok." After I took me a long hot bath I found Tobias asleep on my bed." Tobias sweetheart come on get under the cover." I whispered he said "Huh? Oh sorry I feel asleep I. Your bed what time is it ?"" Almost midnight come on just get under the cover you said you would leave after I went to sleep."" Ok just get in the bed you know I am not use to this type of stuff so sorry if I seem rude."" I am not use to it either , night night Tobias."" Night night Tris." His arm then went around me and I was fast asleep.

Hoped you guys like my first divergent chapter.


















Love ya


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