Make me young with a kiss ,
my love I said if it’s live,
breathe life into breath,
she said the sun has Shown
Rays say their say,
i said if words be rays
Write the rays and send,
She said look Your delicate lips
Sear my heart
I said she giggled in jest;
Dont the real god not an image
I said then why don’t you test me in both
She said you don’t respect a man
You dont, i said you don’t what love ,
hides your love
she said why put your love in pain
Why so
I said if in love
Seal your lips
My love she said that link wine sears my heart
My breath i said well im myself drunk
Since eternity,
She said be kind to me, do me a favour
I said then shed your life for that very live
She said being at your feet is all that
I cherish,my love then you should
Better serve the lords ,not Me ,she said .
Poetrymake me Young make a wish it will Not be Completed all that Days Are gone no one is Going to remember me i hope this words stay With You .