Chapter seven

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"Hey, you said one out of 14 million we win yeah, tell me this is it." Tony says

"If I tell you what happens, then it won't happen Tony." Strange says

"You better be right." Tony said sternly

"I. Am. Ironman." Tony says clicking his fingers

"Tony." I said shocked

We rushed to Tony and I realise that he was burnt all over.

"Mr stark, hey." Peter cried

"Mr. Stark. Can you hear me?" He asked

"It's Peter. We won, Mr stark." He continues

"We won, Mr. Stark. You did it sir, you did it." Pete cried

"I'm sorry Tony." He sobs

"It's okay." I hugged him tightly

"Hey, pep." Tony says

"Tony? Look at me." Pepper says

"We're gonna be okay." She says softly

"You can rest now." She smiles

She sobs and I put my arm on her shoulder as we all cried.

"Dad. He's gone." I sobbed

"I know." Dad said softly

I hug my dad tightly feeling glad that he was not killed.

"You going to school?" I asked Peter

"Yes." He said softly

"He's gonna be there." I told him

"What if neds not back?" He asked me

"Don't think like that." I told him

"I'll come drop you off." I smiled

We walk into school and he looked around for ned but couldn't find him.

He had tears in his eyes, thinking the worst but I smiled and nudged him.

"There he is." I told him

They did a handshake and hugged as I walk out of the school.

Tony's funeral was a few days later and it hit us all hard.

"Bye stark." I said softly

I held my dads hand and then I let go as I walk to bucky.

"Hey bucky." I said softly

"Hey." He said nodding

I grabbed hold of his hand and stood closer to him smiling.

After the funeral was over we were all down at the water.

"You know I was there was a way that I could let her know. That we won. We did it." Clint says

"She knows." Wanda and I agreed

"She's a hero Clint." I smiled softly

"I really tried to bring her back. I miss her so much man." Bruce says

"Me too." My dad says

"You know if you want I could come with you." Sam says

"You're a good man, Sam." My dad smiled

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