Chapter 4. Coruscant

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The trip to Coruscant was an uneventful one. Plenty of time to rest. But Luke found none. He paced the length of the bridge until Admiral Ozzel requested Luke's leave (he only had the guts to ask because Darth Vader had been absent). Then Luke paced his quarters instead. It had been nearly ten years since he had met Emperor Palpatine. Darth Sidious. After that fateful meeting Luke had been taken to Mustafar. There Luke lived, and it was there that he grew, learned and thrived. Though Luke had desperately missed the quiet few months on gentle Naboo he had come to appreciate Mustafar and what it had to offer. The wretched atmosphere of the lava planet taught him much.
Strength was his greatest passion. Power was his greatest love.

Darth Vader had spoken his pride over Luke many times in the years of training on Mustafar. Now finally they were to return to Coruscant and reap the benefits of those long years away.

There was no grand welcome party. Two royal guards stood awaiting the Sith Lord and his apprentice. They then escorted them through the palace and to the throne room. Not much had changed, Luke decided as he took a quick glance at the throne room's state of being. The only difference since his last visit as a child slave was that of the Sith Master within. Emperor Palpatine looked more gruesomely frail and painfully wrinkled than Luke remembered. The only thing to keep Luke from utter pity for the decrepit old man was the power surrounding him. Palpatine could not be thought of as a man in fact. He seemed more like a black hole. Empty and void save for the Dark Side within and around him. He was a truly terrifying entity.

Together father and son bowed before their master. Lord Sidious appraised them on his own time.

"He has proven himself?" The Sith's voice was deep and croaked, but unquestionable power echoed behind it.

"He has." Darth Vader said. "He was the one who tracked down the Lothal Jedi. He killed one of them."

On queue Luke revealed the lightsaber he had taken from the padawan and laid it before the Emperor.

"Rise." The Emperor said.

Luke was quick to obey. He stood just barely taller than the hunched Emperor. "My master." He said, in awe of the Dark Side's physical personification.

There was a slightly croaked smile to the Emperor's shadowed face. "Such power. Such passion. I look forward to your future in service to the Empire."

"As do I." Luke said, bowing his head slightly.

"You are one of us now." Lord Sidious said in strangely placed ecstasy. "Come my boy, kneel." He said, directing Luke up the stairs of the raised dais and before the throne. Once Luke had knelt again the Emperor took a step back. "You will pledge yourself to me and all that I will offer you."

"I pledge myself to you, your will and your teachings, my Master." Luke said readily.

The gnarly, pale hand of Lord Sidious gently touched Luke's head. "Henceforth you shall be known as Darth Illistus. You will command the inquisitors where the Grand Inquisitor failed. You will bring the emerging Rebellion to its knees."

"Yes, my master." Luke said, barely able to contain his excitement. Slowly he rose back to his feet.

"Now then, go and clean yourself. A ball is to be held in honor of my heir to the Empire."


Luke stood by the Emperor, observing the festivities before him. A feast had been held and now the guests, a massive array of peoples from across Imperial planets, danced in the grand ballroom of the palace. Luke had been taught to dance and knew many of the imperial dances going by. To be a lightsaber wielder one had to know footwork in all things. But so far Luke had been disinterested in joining, far more content to watch the energetic people sway about in celebration of him. Lord Vader had retired after the feast, returning to the destroyers in orbit to plan the next journey into the stars. There were still Jedi to be found.

Luke was not quite sure where he wanted to be. But because this was all for him he was glad to stay and watch. That is until he was approached. A red haired woman had dared to climb the stairs to Luke and the Emperor. She wore a black dress with a low neckline and a loose flowing skirt. But Luke was much more interested in the look of her eyes. Vibrant green they were and shadowed with makeup. They glinting hazel in the ballroom light as she stopped just two steps below him and curtsied with a slow, deliberate movement.

"You have not danced yet." The woman pointed out. All too bluntly for Luke's taste.

Luke tilted his head slightly. "No I have not."

The woman gave a soft smile. "Where did they teach you royal etiquette?"

"Far from here." Luke said.

"Ask me for a dance." She took a step up. "Or are you waiting for someone?"

Luke tilted his head at her, sizing the forward woman up. She seemed incredibly playful and sure of herself. That in itself was almost attractive. So Luke nodded. "Would you like to dance?" He offered his hand.

"I'd like nothing better." She smiled in joyous victory, gracefully leading the way down the stairs to the floor before another song could start without them.

Once the music began Luke placed one hand on the dip in her back, the other held her hand while she laced her arm around his shoulder.

"What's your name?"

"Mara." She said. "And you are?"

"I am Luke- Prince Luke."

"You don't sound excited by it." Mara pointed out.

"I'm not prone to outbursts of emotion, milady." Luke matched her bluntness.

Mara nodded as they stepped in perfect sync to eachother and the music.

"You'll get used to it. To all of this."

"How do you know?" Luke asked curiously. Because frankly he still had to double take every time he saw luxury like the Imperial palace or the color green in nature.

"I don't. I'm just being supportive." Mara said with a soft laugh.

Luke shrugged and gave her a quick twirl before she came back in his arm. "Are you a senator?"

"I'm the Emperor's aide." She twirled again. "I take care of his inconveniences."

"Really?" Luke raised an eyebrow. "What sort of inconvenience?"

Mara grinned. "The especially inconvenient inconveniences."

"Do you enjoy being vague and sarcastic?" Luke asked, his own sarcasm bubbling up.

"Only when there's a not-so-charming prince around." Mara winked and pulled away as the dance ended. She tilted her head with a slight curtsie. "Welcome to Coruscant, Prince Luke."

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