Chapter 9. Alderaan

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Obi-Wan was not a worrisome man. He could not afford to be. But when the Tantive IV never returned and word of Leia never reached him he had his suspicions of what must have happened. He worried. There were only so many possibilities Leia faced. Obi-Wan knew she was perfectly capable of getting out of jams on her own. So if she was okay they would have heard from her by now. Something terrible had befallen his padawan.

The old Jedi had returned to Alderaan. Tensions were running high between Bail Organa and the rest of the Imperial senate. Obi-Wan thought it best to stay close while Leia had been gone. He did not speak of Leia's disappearance to her father. Bail was a soft and illogical being when it came to those closest to him. That weak willed logic had served in their favor only once, when Bail had begged Obi-Wan to leave Luke alone and rescue little Leia. Allowing Obi-Wan to realize the better of the twins and change his plans.
It was only a few days since Leia's disappearance that an idea came to Obi-Wan. Or rather a person. He had not felt this particular presence in many years. It was far stronger than Obi-Wan remembered it. But it was the boy's presence Obi-Wan felt in the city of Alderaan.

"We finally meet." Obi-Wan said softly, to no one in particular as he left his quarters to fetch a friend.


"Aren't you supposed to be all..." Solo paused, glancing at his passenger. The previously threatening Sith Prince was leaning over Chewbacca's shoulder, eyes practically bugging out of his skull as the Falcon soared over Alderaan and towards the capitol city Aldera. The kid was not paying any attention to Solo. "Never mind." Solo said with an amused shake of his head.

They were soon assigned a docking bay. Solo couldn't land the ship fast enough it seemed. Luke left the cockpit to wait at the ramp until the ship was settled. Then they were off. Solo would have chalked the hurry up to the prince being on a tight schedule. But the way Luke's head swiveled no matter how hard he tried to appear suave and scum like gave it all way. Alderaan impressed the prince.

Chewbacca muttered beside Solo, who chuckled. "Alderaan is definitely prettier than Coruscant." Luke had stopped to admire a line of trees. The prince still tried to pretend like he was simply deciding where to turn.

"You good, kid?" Solo asked.

Luke glanced at him and shrugged. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Luke crossed his arms and turned his head. "I need to go to their senate building."

"What for?" Solo asked. Luke had not spoken much about his mission outside of Solo and Chewbacca being subtle transportation.

"Senator Bail Organa is a very open man." Luke explained. "He accepts visits from his citizens. I made an appointment the moment I was assigned."

Solo crossed his arms. "Imps spying on Imps huh?"

Luke shrugged. "Better than sitting at a desk." The kid waved out at a taxi. The trio piled in and Luke gave the driver their destination.

The whole ride Luke stared out the window. Eyes all big and, dare Solo say it, childlike. But the look was gone instantly when they reached the senate building. Luke straightened his jacket and led the way inside.

It was quiet. Which Solo found odd. The lobby had the receptionist and a few guardsmen but nothing else. Luke asked the lady where he might meet Organa and was promptly given clear directions. Luke thanked her and led the way again to a lift.

"It's quiet." Solo could not keep his mouth shut about it as they exited the lift and entered a dimly lit and empty corridor.

"You read my mind." Luke muttered. He looked around a moment before fixing Solo and Chewbacca with a hard expression. "Be ready, this is very likely a trap."

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