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The rest of the school year went by really quickly.
Summer finally started. I became friends with the group really fast and they like me as much as I like them.
I have my opinions on each one of them.

Sidney. She is loving, caring teen girl. She loves everyone around her. She's basically the mom of the group. I admire her for her smartness if I'm being honest. I'm still not that close with her but the friendship is already strong.

Tatum. My sweet girl. There aren't enough words to describe her. Her bad ass behavior is priceless. She's like the cool aunt of the group. She reminds me of Kim a bit, she's caring but she can also send you to hell and back if you make her mad. She's really protective of her loved ones.

Randy. We became buddies really quick because of our love for movies. I started working with him in the video store because I felt like that is the best option of work for me. Sometimes I want to smack him across the face but I hold myself back most of the times. Last week while we were working, he jumped on me from behind making me scream out of fear. So I did what I did,
I smacked him on the back of his head.

Billy. Billy is really mysterious. I somehow still don't have an opinion on him. Of course he's sweet and soft for Sidney but when she's not around he's a bit cold and not talkative, at least with me. With the others he seems okay but when I'm there he's just ignoring me. Strange.

Stuart. Stu is just a big ball of goofiness. I've never met anyone in my life like Stu. All he does is joke around. He's really nice to me and actually talks to me without being weird about it. By the end of the school year, him and Casey broke up. She started dating some guy named Steve. And Stu started flirting with Tatum very often.

Everybody seems to have someone but me. I'm not complaining but it would be nice having someone around not gonna lie. Tatum sometime jokes about me and Randy but that's a hard no.

It was the first week of our summer and we decided to celebrate. Since Stu's parents are quite rich, they rented a beach house for us.
We were going on the weekend there. But since now is still a wednesday, I had to work today and thursday. I work since 1 PM to 8 PM and some days longer.

I was getting ready when the phone rang.
"Hello?" I answered right away.
"Y/n? Hi, it's me Randy. Do you want me to come pick you up?" He asked and I said yes right away. It was 12:30 so I still had some time left till Randy comes.
The video store is not too far from my house, it's a ten minutes ride.

When I was done with myself, I went down into the kitchen, grabbed some snacks and water and went outside waiting for Randy.
Kim left for some vacation with her friends and left me the house to myself which wasn't so bad. She asked me if I wanted to come with her but I refused. She should enjoy herself with her buddies once in awhile.

While I was in my thoughts a car honked at me and I jumped. I saw Randy laughing and I quickly made my way to his car.
"Shut up Randy. You're not funny." I said with a straight face.
He just kept laughing and started the car.
We made it to the video store. I went behind the counter while Randy went to arrange the movies into their places.
I started reading some magazine that was laying next to the cash register. It was something about supermodels. I scoffed and threw it away.
My body was of course amazing, no complains but I just don't have the nerves to read what this and that supermodel eats to stay in shape.

The bell of the store rang and I looked up. It was Stu. I smiled ear to ear as I saw him walking in. I must admit he is very good looking guy, tall and sports body.
I shook the thoughts away as he came closer.
"Hi Y/n!" he said as he came right in front of me. Leaning on one arm on the counter as he looked around.
"Hey Stu, what are you doing here?" I asked while looking at him.
"I just came to check out some movies, you know for the weekend." he answered excitedly.
"Randy is back there you can ask him for help, you know he will love the attention." I laughed at my own comment while Stu joined. He listened and went to find Randy.
Not long after, Stu came back with at least ten different movies.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect this." I scanned the movies Randy picked and sighed. They were all with some big boobs, long hair, final girl. How typical.
"You want all of this?" I asked Stu as I looked him in the eyes.
"I will take them all, it'll be a long weekend anyway." He pointed out and I agreed.
I scanned the movies and put them in the bag.
"Fifteen dollars please."
He gave me a twenty. I was about to give him back his change.
"Don't worry about it, keep it." He winked at me and left. I was left with no words. Of course I kept the change.

It was finally over and we were making sure to lock every door and turn off every light.
When we were done, Randy took me back home.
When I entered, I locked the door behind me and went straight into the kitchen.
I ate my dinner in peace and then showered like usually.
While I was getting my popcorn done to watch a movie the phone rang.
"Hello?" I asked while waiting.
"Hi baby, how was work ?" Kim asked.
"Hi Kim, it was good but boring haha. But tell me about your vacation!"
We chatted for about five minutes and then she hung up. My popcorn was ready and I grabbed some soda from the cabinet.
I made my way into the living room and sat down. I was about to watch Clueless, it came out not long ago so I was really interested.
Ten minutes into the movie and the phone rang again.
I lazily walked to the phone and picked it up.
This time I stayed silent waiting for the person to speak first.
"Hello?" I heard from the other line.
"Hi, who's calling?" I wasn't sure who was calling and it was a bit creepy. It wasn't Kim so who was it.
"Hi, is it Y/n?" The person asked.
"Um, yeah who's asking ?"
"Y/n, it's me Stu duh."
I was relieved that it was him. Not like I was getting scared.
"Why are you calling so late?"
"I was bored, what are you doing?"
Why is he suddenly calling me out of nowhere.
"I'm watching a movie, I came home from work like a hour ago.." I told him while yawning.

"Ohh okay, listen I'll stop by the store tomorrow to pick up more movies."
"Okay Stu, I gotta go now the popcorn will be cold." I said while laughing and he laughed with me.
I hung up the phone and made my way to the couch again. It was strange for him calling me but I didn't mind. Maybe I liked him a bit but he was trying to get with Tatum so he was out of limits.
I sighed and watched the movie.

Thursday and friday went by like water and it was time to party.
I was packing my stuff, some tshirts, shorts and bikinis. When Stu stopped by yesterday he told me that there will be some plus company. I didn't really mind who was gonna be there as long our group was whole.
Again I was waiting for Randy to pick me up. I felt like I was asking him for too much already. Picking me to go to work, driving me home, now taking me to the party.
Soon enough I was sitting in his car while we were singing to some random songs.

The beach was a bit too far from Woodsboro, but nobody seemed to mind. The house was enormous.
It had at least five bedrooms and two bathrooms.
Billy and Sidney took one room, Randy another. I was supposed to be with Tatum and Stu also alone. There was still one bedroom left.
I came inside with Randy to see almost everybody in the living room in their bathing suits. The sun was already setting down so it was perfect time for water. I quickly changed into my bikini and joined them in the living room.

"God damn it Y/n! Look at you!" Tatum shouted across the living room as I came in. I shyly scratched my arm and looked around.
"I didn't know you were that hot." Stu said as he went to pick me up and threw me over his shoulder.
"Stu, what are you doing?" I asked quickly.
"Don't worry about it." He said as he ran outside and into the sea.
"Stu! Don't you dare!" I tried to say but it fell on deaf ears as he threw me into the sea. Since he was tall he threw me pretty high and far.
When I finally made it from under the water, I splashed him quickly. Everyone was laughing and enjoying our time.
There was music blasting from the house, beers laying in the sand as I took one. I went inside to take a towel with me.

I came back outside and stood near the water, drinking my beer. Suddenly there was someone beside me. I looked to my left, but didn't recognize the person. It must be him who was Stu talking about, the company.
"Are you enjoying the beach?" The mystery man asked.
"Hmm yeah I am. Who are you?"
He laughed slightly and looked at me.
He was the same height as Billy, a bit shorter than Stu.
"I'm Mark, you are?"
"Nice to meet you Y/n, what a pretty name."
Compliment after compliment. That's how our talk went.
"So you're Stu's friend?"
"Yeah, I live here actually. Our families are friends."
Ooh was only thing that left my mouth. He was indeed attractive. He was two years older than me. I was sixteen and he was eighteen.
We started talking much more after some alcohol entered my body. We moved the party inside and changed our clothes. Everyone was laughing, drinking, dancing, singing, just enjoying our lives.

Mark asked me if I wanted to go watch the stars and I agreed.
It was dark outside and the sky was beautiful.
We laid there under the moonlight on the sand.
We talked about each other.
But soon what he did, I did not expect.

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