Chapter 1: How it All Started

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Autoro Yakuze
Age: 17
Second year student at Akenomyōsei academy.
Hair: Spikey brown
Eyes: blue
Carries around a pocket knife given to him by his father. Extremely pessimistic.

The beginning of the school year and it's already crap. Kids spreading rumors, guys flirting with girls. The same exact bullshit from last year and every other. People keep talking about monsters and "creepypasta" leaking into reality ever since about a year ago. Apparently everyone had the same exact dream that same night. The dream goes a man with a mask was floating in the sky. He said some words in an unknown language and cursed the world, blah blah blah. Even I had the dream, but something that always bothered me was how they described the man. Everyone says they saw him with the same pattern. That pattern was a white mask with black vertical stripes. Oddly enough, I saw the mask as a gold color with gems on it.
"So, Autoro, have you heard about what happened."

Satoshi Onigawa
Age: 17
Hair: Short blonde
Eyes: green
Conspiracy freak. Loves anime, video games, and internet stories.

"Who the hell hasn't?"
"I don't know, but what I do know is a couple of girls all got killed at a sleepover last week."
"Not more of this conspiracy crap, right?"
"Oh yes, and have you noticed, four girls have been missing the past days."
"But you said three girls."
"Yeah, but Hikari is rumored..."
"I'm gonna stop you right there. Everyone knows Hikari is out sick."
"Uh fine whatever. See ya!"
Jeez, he can't go one day without some conspiracy can he? I guess I can't blame him, he's been like this since we were kids. Always theorizing something. I walked into my house, but no one seemed to be home.
"Mom!" I called
"Yes sweetie be right down." Said my mother as she ran downstairs. I guess Satoshi's conspiracies really have started to do a number on me.
"So how was school?"

"Pretty good how about you?"
"I've been okay."
My mother usually is always at home. My dad is always out at work. I went to my room. It was, completely trashed. Knife marks into my bed. My laptop was even stolen. My window was completely destroyed.
"Who... did this?" I said to myself.
A man with pale skin jumped through my window. His eyes seemed to be pried open. His mouth was cut into a smile. He carried a bloodied knife. Who is this and what does he want with me.
"Who the hell are you?" I asked
He didn't respond, all he did was put the knife closer to his face.
"I am not afraid to defend myself." I said as I pulled out my dad's pocket knife. He lunged towards me with the knife. I dodged out of the way and he feel into the desk where my laptop used to be. He stood up from the ground slowly.
"Go to sleep." He whispered
"Take your own advice." I called.
He lunged towards me again. This time he manager to land a cut on my cheek. It started bleeding but was nothing serious. I also landed a deep cut on his shoulder. I heard ear piercing sirens from outside.
"You're lucky, for now. Next time I won't let you off so easy." The man said as he jumped out the window.
Four agent looking men charged into my room.
"Are you okay sir?"
"Yeah, just a scratch."
"Do you know who that man was?"
"No, he just randomly attacked me."
One of the men were paying more attention to my pocket knife than the situation at hand.
"Where did you get that knife."
"My father gave it to me last year, wh?."
"Is your father Hotaka Yakuzi?"
"Yes, why?"
"I am going to need you to come with us."
I followed then out of my house. As I walked out I noticed my mother frowning by the door. Did she know something, what did my dad have to do with this?
They lead me into a dark room with a electronic code pad. They entered an awkwardly long code. Afterwards the floor lowered and the four agents and I were led underground.
"There you are."
I recognized that voice, it was my father's.

Hotaka Yakuzi
Age: 41
Hair: Spikey black
Eyes: Blue
An SS class agent. The man who formed the D.E.A.D.
"So I'm guessing you've encountered one of those demons. Otherwise you wouldn't be here right now. Then again your chances of being here are slim whether you saw the demon or not."
"Wow dad, you've been keeping a secret from me all these years and now you're telling me I'm lucky to be alive?"
"Anyways, this is the D.E.A.D., Demon Extermination Authority Department, or Dead for short.. In case the name doesn't get through to you we exist to destroy the demons terrorizing our world."
"Well then who was that one who attacked me?"
"Judging by the information written by one of my fellow agents, it was someone called Jeff The Killer."
"That's got to be the worst name ever. That's like calling me Autoro the human."
"Or Autoro the agent."
"Excuse me?"
"That knife you have there, it's not just some ordinary knife."
"What do you mean by that."
"It has D.E.A.D. technology in it. Basically what I'm saying is when you want that knife can change into laser weaponry when fighting."
He took the knife from my hands. Afterwards my father took out the blade, locked it then shook it in a star shape. A yellow beam of light flared and a sword like structured light was formed where the knife would normally be.
"This here is a Bīmu heiki. It will help you greatly in defeating those monsters."
"Not sure whether to say thank you or to be horrified."
As I walked back to the elevator with the four agents. One of them took off their mask. It was...Hikari?
"Hikari? What are you doing here."

Hikari Hayashi
Age: 17
Hair: Long black
Eyes: brown
Amazing school grades. Will take anything and everything seriously. Elite agent of D.E.A.D.

   "I've been here since the beginning. What about you, we typically don't add teenagers."
"You didn't seriously just say that, you're three months younger than me so if anything you shouldn't be here. Especially since you're missed school."
"I usually don't, the thing is this was an emergency."
"That was?"
"Jeff the Killer of course, he is probably one of the highest class demons we've encountered so far. He was toying with you. Consider yourself lucky to be alive."
"Not really..."
"*sighs* Well since you're new here I guess you're only going after F-D class demons."
"So basically just some grunt? What class are you?"
"Correct, and I'm an elite agent taking on S class. Not the highest rank but still an honor to be."
I left the elevator, but Hikari and the three agents stayed. I slowly walked towards home. Well then I guess this is my new life. To think my boring life could become so interesting.
To be continue

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