Ch.3: The New Generation

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Daisuke Wakahisa
Age: 28 (Body of 18 year old)
Hair: Red long spiky hair
Eyes: Blue
Genetically modified by the government, Daisuke was originally planned to be a weapon of war. He had extreme intelligence, improved senses, but has little to no emotions. He was given to D.E.A.D later on for emergencies. He has been preserved for 10 years.

Hotaka's POV

I released Daisuke from preservation. If I planned on getting Autoro back, I definitely will need his help. Daisuke started coughing after release.
"So," he coughed "I see I am finally needed of use?"
"What is the emergency, sir."
"Call me Hotaka."
"Yes, Hotaka.
"You're here because I need to get my son back."
"You do understand what that requires right?"
"Yes, but that does not matter, we will have to go to hell."
"So be it. If that is what you desire Hotaka. I will be the blood offering. It is of simple matter to me."
"Here." I said as I gave him a knife with a Bīmu Heiki in it. He cut his finger with the knife and drew a pentagram in his blood.
"Milev iuqolla olobiad."
A large red and black portal immediately opened and we entered.

In hell

As we entered I saw fire everywhere and a throne. In the throne was him, the one who started this mess in the first place.
"Ah, it has been years since we last saw each other."
"All I want is my son back, no more no less."
"Yet you brought the weapon with you? I do not understand that, if you did not want anything more?"
"I don't take chances, especially with people like you."
"You have prepared well."
He stuck his hand through a portal. Daisuke released the bīmu heiki and cut off his hand that tried to stab me from behind. He looked at his lost hand for a second.
"How interesting." He said.
His arm grew back with no effort included. Unlike most, Lucifer can recover from a bīmu heiki.
"If you want him back that's fine by me. By the time you get back he will probably die of blood loss. And if he doesn't, well, that's for you to figure out."
"What do you mean?"
"There's no time for explanation if you want to save him, go, now."
We left with no further questioning. We looked cell through cell. There was lots of screaming and yelling of lost souls. After roughly 30 minutes of searching we found Autoro.
"Damn it, okay, Daisuke, get him and run immediately!"
Daisuke cut the bars with his bīmu heiki and grabbed my son. Cell bars dropped quickly but Daisuke made it through. I sadly could not.
"Hotaka, do you want me to continue?"
"Of course, just keep going, quick."
"As you wish." He said
He ran as fast as he could outside. Lucifer tried to attack him, but he dodged him easily and sliced off the recently regenerated arm.
"What a little soldier you got there."
"What do you plan on doing with me?"
"Well, you are my biggest threat as of now, maybe I should just kill you? No, I have an even better idea."

Autoro's POV

I woke up in a white room. Almost everywhere under my jaw line hurt like hell.
"Where am I?" I asked
A male with red hair was watching over me.
"So, you're finally awake."
"Yeah what about it?"
"I would tell you the whole story, but first you might want to put this mask on."
"Why?" I asked
"If you look in a mirror you'd understand why."
He handed me a small mirror, my mouth was carved into a large..... smile? I immediately covered the bottom half of my face with the mask.
"Who are you? And where is my dad?"
"I am Daisuke Wakahisa, a genetically modified weapon for the D.E.A.D. You were capyured and Jeff the Killer had used his knife full of demon energy to carve a smile into your face so it will never heal.
"How do I not know you're not working for that asshole Jeff the Killer?"
"Would someone working with Jeff save your life then give you a mask to cover the injuries you received?"
"Guess not, and thank you. But you didn't answer my second question."
"Your father is, well, to put it simply he's in hell."
"He died?!"
"No, hopefully not."
"Well then what do you mean?"
"Your father and I went to hell to save you. I escaped with you and he was captured."
"I tried to get up quickly, but the pain was too much for me to handle."
"Interesting, I'd expect that to make you heal much faster like me. What happened?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, to save your life I had to genetically modify you with energy used in bīmu heiki. Well then I guess I'll just have to....."
A strike hit my head faster than I could react to, I was immediately knocked out.

About a week later

I woke up in the same room I was once in. The pain was worse, but I was able to move easily. Much easier than ever actually. What did that Daisuke guy do. Angrily, I turned the doorknob to open the door. After releasing the doorknob I noticed I had left severe dents on it. I simply shrugged this off and continued walking towards the guy I had seen before.
"Feel any different?"
"Very, what did you do.
"It was surprisingly easy, I'm not sure why, but your DNA is very similar to that of Lucifer's. Not only that, but there are weird energies floating through your whole body."
"That didn't exactly answer my question."
"I genetically modified you using Lucifer's DNA that I got from his blood."
"And one last question,"
"What did you mean my DNA was similar to Lucifer's?"
"Well, I guess it can only mean one thing, you I guess are indeed a demon. And if you weren't before you are now."
"Well, there's only one way to prove that."
"And what is that?"
"Give me my Bīmu heiki please."
"I wonder if I even have it."
He left the room to search for it. After about three minutes he reentered the room.
"Found it." He said as he tossed me the modified pocket knife.
"Thank god."
I took off my mask then released the bīmu heiki, I noticed the blade seemed to hurt everywhere past my jawline.
"Knew it, I guess I really am a demon. This will be interesting."
I heard a strange voice in my head
"Well since I guess you're feeling even better than your old self, I guess we can go on a search and rescue for your father."
After a few seconds Daisuke started talking.
"Well since I guess you're feeling even better than your old self, I guess we can go on a search and rescue for your father."
I fell back from the chair I was sitting in.
"Is something wrong?"
"I-it's like you read my mind. Or... Maybe I read yours. I knew what you'd say in exact words before you even said it." I said as I sat back down.
"If it were exact words as you say then that may have not be a simple coincidence. Maybe it is because of your new demon abilities I assume."
"Yeah, probably. But as you said, we should go look for my dad."
I attempted to get off the chair Daisuke kept me down.
"Eh, fine, but if you hold me back I'm dropping your ass.
"Fine by me, but I feel it will be you holding me back."
To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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