Chapter 2: D.E.A.D's Newest Agent in Action?

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The biggest chore in my whole life was cleaning my room. Not sure if Jeff the Killer knew but killing me didn't require making hell look sanitary compared to my room. I couldn't even focus in school, I heard voices in my head too


"You're lucky, for now. Next time I won't let you off so easy."

That guy, Jeff the Killer was it. Why did he let me live if he could've taken me out with one blow. When he jumped at me, did he miss on purpose. I heard another voice in my head
"Autoro!" It called. I ignored it.
"Autoro!!" It said louder and it got closer.
I turned around and saw Satoshi
"Jeez, where are you going? I've been fallowing you calling your name for about five minutes."
"Sorry, I've just been thinking a lot lately."
"You, thinking!?" He scoffed
"Wow, what a friend you are." I replied
"Anyways, what are you doing."
"What does it look like I'm doing, I'm walking home."
"Last I checked your house was North from here, not East." He said pointing the direction of my house.
"Oh, sorry about that."
He looked at me suspiciously.
"Haha, I'm just joking around. See ya!" He said running the other direction
Now then, back to where I was going. Towards that dark room elevator thing. Luckily instead of entering the code I could simply put my knife in front of the scanner. I was lead downstairs quickly.
"Welcome." Said my father, Hotaka
"Hey." I replied
"So are you ready for your first mission."
"Yeah an F class demon, how fun."
"I know it stinks, but if you start from the bottom you can get to the top with more experience."
"I'm not even gonna use my bīmu heiki."
"Not safe, demons can heal quickly from normal means."
"These are F class, F for fail."
"That doesn't change anything, they are still demons."
"Okay, whatever you say I'll trust you."
"The demon is called "Mr.Mix" you'll probably find him near some bakery. I forgot to mention but most demons gave glowing eyes."
"Mr.Mix, wow what a name. So original am I right."
"Are you here to fight demons or to be a smart ass?"
I silenced myself then left through the elevator. My dad threw something through the doors before they closed. It was a D.E.A.D identification card. I decided to go by the little bakery a block away from my house. No one with glowing eyes here. I ran towards the slightly, more successful, larger bakery about three miles away from my house. At that point I was really tired from sprinting that distance. I heard a voice from a kid walking out of the building.
"That man had weird eyes." Said the boy.
I found my target. He was standing in the corner of the building, smiling. There were tons of parents and their kids in the room. Looks like I'm ruining a load of childhoods.
"Everyone, I recommend you get down immediately, and kids, close your eyes." I said as I pulled out the pocket knife.
The man stood there as everyone else lowered to the floor and some kids covered there while others looked. Mr. Mix didn't even react, he just simply stood there.
"Guess I gotta." I stabbed him in the head with the knife. I did not use the bīmu heiki. He disintegrated into black mist.
"Seriously? That was the most anticlimactic thing I have ever encountered!"
I walked out of the bakery. I saw police cars and police officers running out of the card.
"Freeze, and put your hands up."
I pulled out my wallet. A police officer shot towards it. I released the bīmu heki in my knife and blocked the bullet. I continued to pull out the identification card.
"Excuse me office, but I am indeed a member of D.E.A.D. and would appreciate it if you didn't shoot."
"I'm very sorry sir." The office said
"You should be." I mumbled to myself.
I walked back to the D.E.A.D hideout.
"Dad, I'm disappointed in you."
"Why is that?"
"That was by far the most pathetic thing I have ever encountered in my life. The guy just stood there and didn't do shit!"
"Autoro, please tell me you didn't destroy it."
"What else was I supposed to do."
"That was a trap."
"Well isn't it the organization's job to know whether it's a trap or not?"
"Yes, but whatever you do don't go near that area for the next couple of days or weeks. Please, for your sake?
"So stay in the house all day?"
"Pretty much."
"Alright then."

The next day

A new girl just moved into our neighborhood. I think her name was Akane. And of course, she ends up in my class. More unneeded bullshit in my life. She now sits straight behind me. Seriously? This is turning into some stereotypical anime or something. And speaking of anime...
"Hello Autoro!"
"Can I help you?"
"Yes you can, I saw you. Carrying around that pocket knife at that bakery. I heard screaming from the inside. What were you doing?"
"What are those things?"
"None of your concern. Sorry, if I could tell you I'd be more than happy."
Then again it's not like D.E.A.D. is some secret organization. Just a secret hideout. Guess it really wouldn't matter if I told him.
"You're too stubborn, I'll squeeze it out of you some day."
"And that day is not today."
We split up to our houses like usual. Today I didn't go to the D.E.A.D hideout, instead I ran straight home like my dad told me to. When I got home I greeted my mom like usual and ran straight to my room. It was completely messed up AGAIN!
"Goddamit!" I yelled
After a split second a hand covered my mouth. Whoever it was, they definitely weren't joking. I tried to fight it off but couldn't react in time. I took out my pocket knife and stabbed the hand. The hand didn't even flinch. I couldn't use my Bīmu Hieki or else J would stab myself. I tried to yell but it was useless, the hand was still over my mouth. The hands went towards my throat. I tried to fight but I simply couldn't.
"Shhh, go to sleep." Whispered a voice. It was Jeff the Killer. My vision left me. Can this really be my end?

To be continued

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