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Well....i had my child. He's four months now. My pride and joy for sure.

So. My "friends" had left a few days after everything went down. They had left to stay for a bit at her grandmas house. So Im in bed and I hear the door open. Im thinking maybe my boyfriend came home for lunch so i dont go check. But then I hear them messing with our roommates stuffs. And i hear all the cupboards being opened and shut loudly. Then i hear my "friend's" boyfriend on the phone. So its him. Then the front door opening. But i never hear it close... So i go out of the room and lo and behold: my front door is wide open. This a**hole just left my door wide open. So I shut it and lock it. I deadbolt it. I even put the chain lock on; I was so pissed.

I wasn't able to really fall asleep so I get up and its about 4 in the morning and that's when I see that my back gate is open. And the latch was broke. That was the last straw. Then I get a text from the boyfriend asking why the hell I locked them out so I tell him its because of what he did. I then say that they need to get their stuff and leave. He sends me a really long paragraph essentially threatening to have his "friends" come here to makes sure they get everything. I said, "If that's the case, then I'll have no choice but to get the police involved." Thank God I didn't have to.

I go back to my room where we let them use for their misc. stuff and their shoes and I just started taking all their stuff out. Mind you, I'm still pregnant. But I'm pulling out the shoe stands into the living room. Then I go into the bathroom and start taking all their stuff out of the cupboard. As I'm doing this, my boyfriend is just watching me. He eventually asks me what's going on so I tell him and also tell him to text them to come get their stuff now.

We're both sitting in the living room when they finally come over. Before they got there, my boyfriend and I had agreed to make sure to get the spare key first and foremost. My "friend's" grandma was there too. She hasn't said a word to me. But had no problem having a happy attitude talking to my boyfriend. She's standing by the door, which was wide open. It's freezing outside and they have the door open. I stand up to go close it and her grandma rushes to shut it before I can get close to her. She knew what she was doing.

It's pretty quiet during the whole process till my ex-friend and her boyfriend start talking to each other. I wasn't really paying attention till she says something obviously so we could here it too. "Well I'm not what if we even have the place yet. So we'll basically be homeless for a couple days." No ma'am. You literally told my boyfriend that y'all put the down payment down on the house and can move in the next day. Like, just shut up. You'll be sleeping on someone's couch for ONE night. I'm sure you're fine.

But now they're gone. I finally have my house back. But it just doesn't feel right anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2023 ⏰

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