7. { child of the moon }

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Moonlight shines among the light of the bright stars into the Royal Chambers, almost unnaturally bright considering the falling snow. Queen Narcissa was resting in the canopy bed, one hand cradling the extended flesh on her stomach that was holding her babe.

Long, dark brown hair was spread on the cushions beneath her head, almost glowing in the little light. Hidden behind her eyelids was a pair of intense and beautiful hazel eyes, which were getting some much deserved rest.

Throughout the realms Queen Narcissa was known as a beauty, an almost otherwordly human being. Her marriage to then Crown Prince Hubert had come as a surprise, since she was a simple commoner and he was to be their next King.

However, True Love blossomed. Soon afterwards everyone in the kingdom adored their Princess.

Narcissa was crowned Queen the same day Hubert was made a King, ten days after his mother's passing. From their union came a prince named Phillip. Though many years had passed, she soon would bless her King with another child.

Her pregnancy had taken a toll on her. She was not as young as she was when having Phillip and the fear that it would cause harm upon her child was worrying the Queen. King Hubert did everything in his power to make the time pass by smoothly.

The babe should have been with them a week ago. All courtiers were on the edge of their seats, waiting for any sign that the Queen would enter into labour. Stressed as she already was, the well-meaning courtiers were working on the Queen's nerves.

But then, during her sleep, the Queen noticed a stir. She opens her eyes and attempts to sit up against the headboard of the bed. Her water had broken, just when the snowstorm outside began to cloud the moon.

King Hubert, still tiredlessly working in his study, was warned of the labour and went to their chambers. He sat there by her side, clutching her hand while the midwifes, physicians and maids were preparing. He then ordered the messengers to fetch their son.

Prince Phillip had gone on an excursion close to the castle with his tutor and a few knights. When word reached his ears that his brother or sister was to be born he ordered all in his company to pack their belongings and leave with haste.

Phillip fought through the snowstorm to get back to the castle. When he got there he rushed up the many stairways to his parents' shared chamber. There he saw the physicians leaving the room, wearing tired smiles.

The prince storms inside to see Queen Narcissa sitting up in the bed. In her arms she cradled a bundle of white blankets. King Hubert was sitting at her side. Their hands were entwined and their loving gazes had never faded, not even after many years of marriage.

His boots barely make a sound as he ventures forwards, his eyes never leaving the bundle in his mother's arms. Queen Narcissa smiles lovingly at her son and beckons him closer. The prince sits down on a chair on her other side. He eagerly tries to catch a glimpse of the child.

Queen Narcissa hands him the tiny bundle, correcting him on how to hold his sibling. "This is your sister, Phillip. A little princess." Her eyes continue to shine, even through her happy tears. She leans back against her husband, cradling the hand that had moved to her shoulder.

Phillip gently begins to rock the child in his arms. "What will be her name, mother?"

The Queen glances over her shoulder at her husband, taking notice of how the storm had slowly returned to a gentle snowfall once more. She smiles, a moment of melancholy filling her eyes before returning to utter happiness when looking down upon her child.

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