Chapter 3

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I kinda forgot about my Wattpad so it's her really late

Scott wanted to say one more prayer to Aeor, pet Norman and plan out the general shape of the church. Scott first went to pray to Aeor as a thanks for making the spell so shot so he could do a couple things before night. Norman was awake so he went to his desk, got some paper and a pencil out and then went to Norman. Norman jumped into Scott arms and the went to his desk. He put Norman in his lap and then went to designing. He needs to make sure that the church is perfect. He will be asking Aeor for advice in the morning.

Scot spent a hour or two designing and Scott needs to sleep now, so he puts Norman in the cat bed and he then got changed. It would be uncomfortable to sleep in all the gold would be uncomfortable after all.

When Scott woke up he was feeling better. Sure he had the same nightmare again but he was still feeling better. He was no longer tired. Norman was already awake. He was walking on top of Scott. Scott couldn't move, he didn't want to hurt Norman by toppling him over or rolling atop of him. So Scott waited till Norman went to eat from the bowl of food that Scott left for him yesterday. Eventually when Norman went, Scot went to the altar to pray to Aeor and then ask for advice on how the church should be.

Aeor wanted a similar design to the church that was in Rivendell but bigger as their would be mor land as it wouldn't be on a cliff this time. So Scott started to draw it out and plan the interior on his desk. He had to decide on decor, new murals, the layout of seats and the amount of seats. He would of course add more than the amount that there was in Rivendell as he was planning to convert as much people as possible. The church also couldn't have all scripture written in elvish and he would need to translate it into common. He had tons of practice in speaking, reading and writing in common, he did have to speak with the other emperors and read and write contracts with other emperors after all.

So afterward Scott put on his elven robes and a whole lot of gold. He then did some interior planning ,Scott then tended to the crops, cleaned his new home and then started writing a translation of religious scriptures and hymn's.

Scott only translated for a few hours before he went to check on the winter spirits he had summoned yesterday he saw that they had done a grate job at covering the flower field in snow, Scott felt right at home now.

He started to look for the place where he would build the new Church Of Aeor. It had to be the perfect place otherwise he may displease Aeor and if there is anything that he doesn't want to do that would be it. He had always aimed to please the good after all. Out of everyone Aeor could have chosen to be his champion he chose Scott, and Scott wanted, no needed to fulfil Aeor's expectations of him. He found a nice place where he could build the church, the flower field was very large and open so there were many places Scott could build the church but he thought that it would be nice to build it on the tallest hill as it would be easy to spot and admire. They was even enough space for a flower garden.

Scott then went back to his small house to go to the altar and ask Aeor for permission to build the church on the hill. Aeor said yes. Scott was glad that Aeor said yes it showed that he was competent to himself. Scott then went to Norman to make sure that the cat was feeling well. Norman just jumped towards of Scott and Scott put his arms out to try and catch him, he luckily was able to. Scot then took Norman onto his bed and cuddled.

Scott was just reminded of how much he missed Jimmy. He misses taking to him, cuddling with him just even being around jimmy. He misses everything about him. But Scott has to continue. Scott had to take care of Norman and try to bring back his religion .

It was getting late now Scott had to go to sleep so he placed Norman down and got into more comfortable clothing so he could relax and get some sleep. He knew that he would of course be reminded of everyone's death but he can't miss sleep. Winter fest was getting closer and he needs to look his best, even if no one was there.

Scott missed Jimmy so much though, but he needs rest to look his best for winter fest

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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