Chapter 4 : Handsomely Dangerous

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It has been 3 days since the little incident on the cafeteria happened and Cale and Inigo avoided London like the plague, which she was grateful of because it was the reason people bothered her most of the times. She was surprised to find out Cale was some very popular guy but then how could he not with his outgoing, charming and she may add very fine looks. But when he found out Inigo was the school's delinquent, she wondered how could he be so dangerous?

And now, much to her dismay she was currently in History together with Cale and Inigo and the teacher was announcing groups of three for their first semester project.

"Cale Pierce, London Steel, and Inigo Black" the teacher said, "Topic is World War 2"

Hearing what the History teacher said, the trio looked at her incredulously.

"Do you want World War 3 to happen Ms. O'Neil?!" Both of the guys yelled at the same time, surprising them both.

The teacher was not surprise by the boy's outburst so she just gave them a sweet smile. "Boys, boys, in order for World War 3 to happen you need aircrafts, war vessels, and other things that causes destruction to the world, you also need the Presidents-" she was cut offed.

Cale groaned. "You always take things literally Ms. O'Neil" he said with an annoyed pout that made him look like a kid who has been scolded.

"Why of course" she replied seriously. "That is why a lot of misunderstanding happens on social medias these days because the latest generation-" she was cut offed again.

"No need to preach about our generation" Inigo grumbled.

She shook her head in disapproval. "Both of you are grownups so behave like one" she said with finality leaving London speechless.

After a while London finally found the words. "With all due respect Ms. O'Neil, I dont like your choice in grouping the three of us" she said politely but with a tone of finality.

The teacher just raised an eyebrow. "And your reason is? Ms. Steel whatever personal issues you have, that doesn't affect the fact that you're in school and you are required to listen to us teachers so I tell you to act civil because my decision in final" with that she proceeded in announcing the groups together with the topics leaving the three of them crestfallen.

Minutes after, the announcement of the groupings was finished. "So now what you will do is to create a creative presentation based on the topics I've given you either powerpoint presentation, a movie presentation or anything that you like as long as it's creative. The maximum time limit is 30 minutes and the minimun is 25" she paused as she showed an example of a powerpoint presentation about the Trojan War, "You will also create a documentation consisting pictures, videos and other things in order to prove that all the members of the group made an effort on this project" she said, giving Cale and Inigo both knowing looks.

"The deadline will be one month from now so I am expecting everyone will submit on time" she added. "The presentation whom I find the most creative and excellent will be presented for everyone to watch and the members of this group will automatically get an A"

Still it didn't made the three feel any better, they couldn't care less about their grades but the thing about school, it's hell and you just have to live with it.

The bell rang, indicating the period is over. "Thats it for today class" the teacher announced. "Have a nice day!"

With a silent groan, London put her notebooks back to her bag and headed out for her third subject in the afternoon.

As she walked her way to her next class she kept thinking, what are they gonna do? She doubt they'll accomplish anything good. The fact that Cale and her are not on good terms, then Inigo and her are on awkward terms, while Inigo and Cale are on very bad terms is just so complicated a mathematical equation would be jealous.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2018 ⏰

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