Pleasure and Lust

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Mild Smut Warning!

Morgo had just pulled down my skirt and underwear exposing my velva and penis to the warm summer air. Morgo grinned as he looked at my velva which was surprisingly aroused by this point. "Morgo nothing too much okay?" I said with a slight blush. "No worries love I'm only gonna have myself a little taste." Morgo purred. My face heated up at the mention of him eating me out. "Morgo be gentle alright?" I said with a blush. Morgo chuckled and looked up at me a smirk on his face. "Don't worry I'll show you what real pleasure should feel like.~" Morgo hummed while blushing his fingers against my wet lips. "Mmmm...~" I moaned at his touch. Morgo soon slipped between my legs and pushed open so he could get a good view. "Oh, Remor you look beautiful.~" Morgo purred. "Ahhh~ Morgo quit yapping and eat me out already!" I said with a blush. Morgo snickered at that and ran his tongue down my velva getting a sharp gasp out of me. "Mmm, yess!~" I moaned softly. Morgo giggled and slipped his tongue straight inside me as he pushed my legs open so he could rock my world. "Ahh~ Morgo!~" I gasped in pleasure. "Mmm, so sweet... Just like raspberries.~" Morgo purred while eating me out. "Ohhh, Morgo!~" I moaned while tossing my head back. I soon felt his tongue brush against my E-spot getting a scream out of me. "Ohh yess like that!~" I moaned. "Heh, you're enjoying this, aren't you?" Morgo purred while pulling the tongue out of my velva. I blushed and looked down at him. "Why did you stop?" I said with a blush. "Oh, I needed a bit of air Remor." Morgo purred. I only nodded as I blushed. Morgo then spread my velva with his fingers and pushed his tongue back inside causing me to gasp sharply and toss my head to the side. "Morgo!~" I cried out. "Mmm, Remor...~" Morgo hummed while devouring my velva. "Ahh~ Deeper Morgo!~" I moaned. Morgo only chuckled and dug his tongue as deep as it could go and gave me the ride of a lifetime. "Ohh yess, Morgo!~" I panted. Then he hit my E-spot again sending a shiver down my spine and causing me to quite literally scream. "AHHH MORGO!!!~" I screamed while clutching his blanket in my fists. "Morgo I'm gonna- AHHH!~" I screamed as I had a very strong spine-tingling orgasm. I tensed up for a few seconds during my orgasm pressing my hooves into the ground as I arched my hips slightly. Panting I slumped down and slowly let go of the blanket which now had holes in it from where my claws tore into it. My eyes widened at the holes and I started to panic. "Oh shit, Morgo's gonna be pissed!" I whined slightly. Morgo was so busy cleaning off my orgasm that he didn't notice my panic rising. After he licked me clean he looked up and me and smiled. "Wow, Remor that was a strong orgasm." Morgo purred while getting on top of me. "I-I know." I whimpered while stifling my rising panic. Morgo looked over and saw the holes I created and I flinched in fear. "I'm sorry!" I cried. While curling up in fear. Morgo's expression changed from happiness to worry. "Remor what's wrong it's just a blanket I can fix it later I'm pretty well versed at sewing," Morgo said while patting me slightly. I was so scared that I didn't hear Morgo trying to comfort me. I was too busy reminiscing on a very bad memory.


"This is the third blanket Remor!" Cecil screamed while holding up the torn and soaked fabric. It was soaked with my orgasm and I had torn it with my claws while climaxing. "I-I'm sorry Cecil!" I said tears running down my cheeks. Cecil growled violently and yanked me out of his bed by my horns. He then threw me against the wall and began to beat me senselessly. I cried out and covered my face to protect myself as I cried. "I'm sorry I won't do it again I promise!" I cried out. Cecil only Ignored me and punched me hard across my face breaking one of my eye sockets and causing me to bleed. "Shut up you weak fuck!" Cecil screamed. I cried out in more pain as he left bruises all over my thin body. Once he had taken all of his anger out on me he turned and grabbed the sewing kit. "You better learn how to fucking sew or I'll make you wish you were never fucking born!" Cecil hissed while tossing the kit onto the floor at my feet. I whined weakly and began the long and difficult task of fixing the blanket I tore up.

End of Pov

By the time I had started to hyperventilate Morgo saw how terrified I was and pulled me into his arms and began to soothe me. "Shhh Remor, it's alright it's just a blanket there's no need to panic I can fix it when I get home." Morgo hummed while holding me. "I'm sorry don't hurt me please I can fix it myself." I cried as I remembered what Cecil did to me when I ripped his blanket with my claws. Morgo hummed softly and lightly kissed me. "Remor I would never hurt you over something like that in fact I wouldn't hurt you even if you made me mad." Morgo hummed softly. "Really?" I sniffled weakly. "Really." Morgo hummed back. I weakly nodded and buried my skull in his chest and began to softly cry causing him to pat my back and rock me to try and calm me down. I eventually calmed down enough to put my skirt and underwear back on and relax with Morgo till the moon in Senersedee rose.

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