Who Is In My Bed

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The sun hits my eye pretty normal.
I thought As my head continues on, it rambles. I feel a movement, but I didn't move I thought.

Panic and confusion overtake my body. My head thinks of a situation.
Maybe the bed is falling? earthquake,  before I could continue my train of thought, a hand wrapped around my body, and this did not answer my questions.

Who the hell is in my bed?
Once again, my head goes into rapid thinking, with a hand bigger than mine.
I think male continuing, I reach a hand out feeling it; it's rough but not because of calyces but with lots of tiny dead skin holes you get on your hand when you play sports a lot. They are quite big, bigger than my hand by quite a lot.

I look down at my feet . I see more than one pair, well nice to know there's only two pairs still, but who the hell is in my bed? I decided I don't care who it is, I am just going to turn and look. I count down 3... 2... 1. I turn rapidly.

I close my eyes for a while, still a little afraid, then get a little impatient and just open them.
His face was brown in color; his eyelashes were short; his eyebrows were thick; his mouth was small; and his hair was curly. Oh my God, it's James.

How the hell did he get into my bed? I screamed internally. How the hell am I speechless? I thought to myself, I've never had someone other than family hold me like this before. It's... Comfortable.
No matter how hard I resist, I really have nothing to look at other than calming his face.

Now that I stare at him closely, I never noticed how sad he looks. Even when he's in our friend's group, his laughs always felt sad. His smile was there, but his eyes never moved with the same emotion, and now that I notice, I can't help but feel sad.

It makes me want to protect him. I am a dumbass, aren't I?
I just found one of my closest friends in my bed, and now I am admiring him and making promises to protect him.
God, I really am an idiot. "the biggest idiot ever"
Oh crap, he's waking up.

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