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My name is James, and I am in a state of confusion. What happened this morning makes me question what the hell is going on between me and him, but what do I even say when I see him? It's going to be so weird.
Ahhhhh James groans about not knowing what to say.

He reaches his house door and starts to unlock it, and when he enters, he immediately starts getting questioned by his dad. Where were you? his dad asks. What were you doing? his dad asks. Who were you with? his dad asks.

You had me worried; you know that, right? James answered, I was at Kanjis. I stayed there for the night because, uh, James thought, Shit, I can't think of a reason, and, his dad gave up on his little interrogation before James could finish his sentance That's enough. I'm going to bed. Call your siblings before you sleep. Look, James, if you're going out for a long period of time, just alert me. Okay, you had me worried. His dad said it, his voice cracking up a little. James said, I am sorry, dad, I won't do it again.

His dad entered his room to sleep. James also left to get his clothes so he could shower. I always hate showers James thought, not because of the cold water but because of my body.

As someone with an ethnicity
that's not quite known to be tall so I am quite conscious with my height  Another thing to clarify is that I am not thin or fat, but
Still, my height makes me look strange, to say the least. To put it simply, I am fit, and even though I've built my body, I still hate the fact that I am only 5.9 feet tall.In my friends my group, I am just barely beating out other guys. Like Kanji and Dail Kanji is 5.6, and Dail is 5.8. James' thoughts continue rambling as he enters the shower and turns on the cold water. He stands there, not fazed at all.

Time skip: 35 minutes
James enters his room, tired but not sleepy. He goes to his fan and turns it on, then goes to lay on his bed. James tried everything to stop thinking about What happened this afternoon.
Gaming, watching YouTube, scrolling through Instagram—in the end, he failed. He just couldn't stop thinking about the boy who infected his brain with everything: his smile, his laugh, his personality, his kindness, and his cocky attitude. James could only have butterflies in his stomach . All he could do was anticipate tomorrow's activities at school. An hour later, at 12:00, James had finally fallen asleep.

Time 5:34 
James woke up, got off his bed, and greeted his father goodmorning and goodbye. As his dad was on his way to work, James continued on with his routine, which included complaining to himself about waking up too early and how he should set up an alarm but never ends up doing it. James took his phone and texted his sister, Good morning and good luck for the day.

James then walks to the fridge, where his prepared protein-filled chicken Parm and rice were in a lunch box. He walks into the kitchen and throws it into the microwave afterwards. When he's done with breakfast, he heads to the shower for a quick shower.

James then puts on his uniform and proceeds to exit the house. He reaches his school at 6:32.
He just heads up to his classroom, and like normal for James, he's the earliest, followed by some girls and one of the friends from his friend group. John and, the minutes later Kanji enter the classroom.

James is worried that Kanji will ignore him or have embarrassing moments throughout the day. John wished Kanji good morning, and Kanji nodded in response.

Kanji and James sat awkwardly next to each other. John saw this and questioned, Did they get into an argument or something? Another thing John asked was, Where the hell were you both? Everyone was looking for you guys. Sh*t Raymond even went to your house. Kanji replied, I was just doing something important; okay, none of your business. John answered, Ok, how about you then? John questioned James.
James said I was at a relative's house. I slept the entire day.

Right after James answered the question, the bell rang, and everyone entered, rushing to their seats.
The teacher then began to talk. Remember, guys, we will end school early today, about 10:30.
So remember to have your stuff packed, and with that knowledge, the class teacher left.

What's the first lesson again? One of the students asked, Is math? Another one answered The math teacher enters the classroom, and math begins.
James would always be starting somewhere else but the board and his books; he would just watch people, but because of what happened, James has his eyes stuck on one person.

Kanji felt James's stare. I mean, he only sits one desk away from James, and their line of sight is very open; not a lot of things block them both from staring at each other.

James proceeded to lie on his desk while staring at Kanji. Kanji, who is now as red as ketchup, has decided to try and hide his face by lying on his desk and covering his face.

James then proceeded to notice that he was staring for too long and soon became a red, ripe tomato, and this wasn't something no one saw; they're friends were seeing this, and we're genuinely confused as fuck because, from their point of view, two normally good friends who hold conversations for hours staring directly at each other are now blushing at the first sight of their eyes. The meeting ended, and everyone wasted no time trying to get answers.

John and a few guys and girls went to Kanji to try and get a few answers, while Raymond and James's guy friends questioned him.

In the end, they got nothing out of both of them. James ran up towards Kanji, who grabbed him by the wrist and ran out of the classroom, and like they started, they ended even more confused than when they began.

:) Thanks for readin

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