Chapter One

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Heros, villains, businesses, civilians. Its a big world with good and bad, hope and pain, young and old, but in a city of Japan there are two families that have been keeping a secret from their children. Their children may be in their twenties, but they still have to listen to their parents, which means that the two finally met at a restaurant after being asked by their parents.

Damien Rosales is a twenty-four years old man, a Japanese hero who has strong beliefs for protecting his country from the villains that lerk in its shadows. With his telekinesis, he is able to carry and lift up to two thousand pounds. On the other hand, Dakota Elliot is a twenty-one years old woman, she will soon own a huge company that has locations all over the world. Though she has lived in Japan for many years of her life, she still comes off as French, since at home, her family speaks french, keeping her culture. Dakota has both pyrokinesis and teleportation, and because of a childhood trauma, she decided to stray away from her dream of becoming a hero.

"Qui sont ces gens? Je pensais que ça n'allait être que nous trois" {Who are these people? I thought that it was only going to be the three of us} Dakota asked her parents as she sat down.

"Princess, don't be rude. You can speak japanese" he father said to Dakota, implying that the Roales' did not speak french.

"I'm Jessica Rosales, this is my husband, Hunter, and my son, Damien" Jessica introduced them.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Your parents have told us a lot about you" Hunter said with a friendly smile.

"Peu importe" {Whatever} Dakota huffed.

"Dakota, japanese" Her mother said.

When Dakota did not like or want to get to know a person, she would speak french to show that she did not care about the person that she was speaking to. This happened a lot throughout her high school and college years, she would use her french background to her advantage and make people think that she did not know any japanese.

"Sorry for her" her father apologized.

"It's okay. Why don't we order some food and we can break the news to them?" Jessica asked.

The two families ordered food and talked about what was going on in their lives, and not yet telling Damien and Dakota why they were there. Both Damien and Dakota sat there barely saying a word, and when Dakota was asked a question, she would answer in french, despite being told not to. On the other hand, when Damien was asked a question, he answered it politely.
Damien may not look like it, but he is very kind and gentlemen like. It takes a lot for Damien to snap, since he was raised to behave very well and have spectacular manners. On the other hand, Dakota could care less what people think of her and has an attitude like none other. She speaks her mind and is not afraid to tell people what she thinks of them.

Once they finished eating, Damien asked, "You said that you had news to share?"

"Ah yes. Promise that you won't overreact" Brianna looked at her daughter as she said that.

"Pourquoi réagirais-je de manière excessive?" {Why would I overreact?} Dakota asked.

"My god, can you please speak japanese. There is no need to be speaking like we are at home" Duncan said which Dakota rolled her eyes at.

"Lets just get this over with" said Jessica. "The two of you are getting married in August"

"QUOI?! Je connais même pas le mec!" {WHAT?! I don't even know the dude!}

"I'm sorry, what? What is that about?" Damien was shocked, though he did not raise his voice one bit.

Brianna sighed. "The wedding is on August twenty-seventh, which means that you have two months to get to know one another"

"Une semaine après mon anniversaire?!" {A week after my birthday?!}

Looking at Dakota, Damien could see tattoo's scattering her body, that way she styled her hair and dressed, he just assumed that they were the same age. So thinking that Dakota was currently twenty-four. "You're turning twenty-five right before?" He said which showed that he actually does speak french.

"Twenty-two" Dakota finally spoke japanese.

"Oh nice" Damien said after a moment.

Dakota got up and grabbed her bags. "Maybe for someone who actually liked their birthday" She said and stormed out.

Dakota was certainly pissed about being in an arranged marriage to someone she did not know. She had not been in a real relationship since right after she graduated from high school, her reason was because she wanted to focus on work. That was not really the case though, Dakota had been in an abusive relationship and it scared her to commit to someone, scared that it would happen again. No one knew what happened behind closed doors. She lied when people asked what happened to her.

When Dakota was upset with something, she would always go on a run or visit her favourite places. No one would know where she would disappear to, but Dakota was never gone more than a day.

"Is she okay?" Damien asked.

"She just needs some time to think, but I guess we briefly forgot that her birthday is on the eighteenth" Duncan admitted.

"If you don't mind me asking, what did she mean by that?" Damien asked.

"One of her friends loved to make her birthday special, but she passed away at the end of middle school. Ever since then, Dakota has hated her birthday" Brianna answered.

"Oh" It was obvious that Damien felt bad for Dakota at that moment.

Jessica then said, "You seem to be okay with this marriage"

"Not really" Damien said honestly.

'I hate this! How could they forget about how much I hate August?! Sure I could've found a way to be okay with it, but I don't...I don't think that I can now...Fuck and what if the same thing happens. What if he is kind on the outside... but hateful on the inside' Dakota was thinking to herself as she sat in her favourite cafe in Paris. 'Maybe I should just find a way to call this off, I can't go through this again. I'm better off alone so that no one gets hurt'

Brianna and Duncan were worried about how Dakota would react to this news, but they were relieved that she did not react the way that they thought she would. Jessica and Hunter knew that Damien would find a way to be okay with it and would not have overreacted. That's not who Damien is; he is the type of person that always gives something a chance before turning it down. Though, if whatever it is did not work out for him, it is not a big deal. So being told that he was getting married to a stranger, he did not say much because he planned on giving it a chance, even though Dakota obviously hated it.

While the Damien and Dakota had left the restaurant, their parents payed the bill and went to the bar to discuss things while having a few drinks. They took two cars between the two families, which Dakota and Damien took, so they were not very worried about drink too much since they would have have to call a taxi either way.

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