Chapter Five

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    Days pass and Dakota's situation did not get any better. The days turned into a week, then two, then three, and Dakota had not been released from the building and people keeping her hostage. She thought that the original abuse she suffered from Jesse the first time was bad, this was worse, there was no mercy, no end in the foreseeable future. Well at least in Dakota's eye's.


    It's been almost a month since the famous Dakota Elliot's mysterious disappearance and there has been no sign of her yet. The hero's have said that there is not a single lead to this case, like as if she just vanished into thin air. Though the hero's have not given up yet, they are determined to bring her back home safely for her family.

"Dakota doesn't do this. If she does disappear, it's not even a full day before she is back...I feel bad that we didn't know that she was gone sooner. If it weren't for exams soon, I think we would've known sooner" Duncan Elliot said.

"My Dakota is strong, she wouldn't let some kidnapper get the best of her. I have a feeling that she is fighting her hardest to get home to us, and I hope that she successful at it, like everything else she does" Brianna Elliot said.

    Her family has a strong belief that Dakota is okay, but is that really the case? Is Dakota Elliot really okay? There is still hope that Dakota Elliot is still alive, but how long with that hope be able to last of the timeframe of this disappearance gets bigger and bigger?

Continues for a bit - End

"Jesse, get her ready, this auction is extra special" the lead guy told Jesse.

"Why is it so special?" asked Jesse.

"The boss is attending this one, so Dakota needs to look her best"

    Jesse nodded, got up and went to the room they were keeping Dakota in. They purposely stopped hitting her and using her as much so that she would heal enough to look good enough for the auction that would be held. She was going to be sold. The starting price was higher then the other girls that would be there and most likely get even higher, this is due to the fact that she is beautiful, has an amazing body, and comes from a wealthy and well known family.
She layed on the floor of the room, since there was no bed, there was not anything in the room besides her. Her clothes were were ripped, barely holding on, her hair was a disaster, and her makeup had been wiped off a within the first week of being held there. " No, no, no, stay away from me" She said as she sat up and started moving backwards.

"Don't be like that, baby. You need to get ready" said Jesse as he puller Dakota to her feet.

"I told you not to call me that anymore, we aren't dating. I have someone else in my life now" right as she said that, she paused, shocked that she was admitting it to not only Jesse, but herself as well.

"That's over now, you're not gonna be seem him again" Jesse put the handcuffs that he had on her to stop her from trying anything while he took her to a different room where she would be prepared.

Dakota pushed him as he did so. "That's not true, I WILL see him again"

"In your dreams" she was then lead down a hallway, passed many doors, then finally taken into one with everything to get ready, including other girls who would be preparing her for the auction. "You have two hours to get her ready so use it wisely" Jesse the pushed Dakota into the room and closed the door.

    Dakota was dressed in new clothes, had her makeup done along with her hair, all while she was tied to the chair. The girls that were helping her were part of this group of villains and were ordered to keep her tied due to Dakota's continuous attempts to get free. Once they were finished, the three girls left Dakota tied to the chair as they went to go see when Dakota would be taken the the auction place.

    The auction place was owned by one of the richest villains were they held many illegal events. Human trafficking, selling stolen goods, the making of drugs, and even selling guns. Word had spread that there would be a famous person being sold at this event, so it would be a full house and would have many guards. Not only did many, many villains hear about this,  the hero's and police heard about it as well and there would be a few undercover.

"Welcome everyone! Make sure you have your paddles ready for the bidding. Food and drinks will be served for anyone who wants them, but it is asked that you keep noise to a minimum unless you are placing a bid" The announcer said. "One final reminder that weapons need to be handed to the guards, you will receive them back as soon as the auction is over....And without further a due, we start with the first girl"

There had to have been close to thirdy women that were around the age of seventeen to twenty-five in the back. Some were knocked out, many were thin and starving, and few looked close to perfectly fine. One by one, they were taken out, given a starting price.

"And finally, the girl you have all been waiting for!" Dakota was then dragged out, struggling against the three guards it took to take her onto the stage. "She is a feisty one as you can tell. Dakota Elliot is twenty-two years old, she has two quirks that are obviously strong. Fire and teleportation. daughter of Brianna and Duncan Elliot of the Heart Incorporation. It is reason for the starting bid to be $30k"



"A hundred grand!"

"Five hundred"

"Nine hundred!"

"I have $900,000. Anyone else" He paused to get an answer. "Going once...going twice...sold to bidder two twenty-five! All buyers can come to the back. Make sure that you are unarmed and have to money ready" Dakota was dragged to the back once more. "Everyone else, don't worry the second have will begin in the next 20 minutes. For now, enjoy the intermission"

The winning bidders were escorted to the back stage, though everyone had not been expecting what came next. Not even a minute after the bidders were taken to the back, yelling and fighting could be heard all over the auditorium.

"Guards, get them!" The person announcer ordered.

Other than Dakota, the women huddle together to keep themselves safe. With the guards fighting the hero's undercover, guns had been taken out and aimed. The hero's were winning, then a shot rang through the entire auditorium and then another, everyone heard it. One of the hero's rushed after the last one standing, knocking the gun out of his hand and punched him right in the face.

"Wha-" Dakota looked down, there was blood starting to bleed through her clothing.

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