Extra 7 Birthday gifts(3)

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Ruan Qiu's eyes are very bright and he speaks clearly, but he has obviously not recovered from his drunken state.

Perhaps because of his special physique, he only took a small sip, and his reaction was so big that he slept for more than two hours before he woke up.

It's late at night. Xi Yuan confirmed that Ruan Qiu did not feel any discomfort and was ready to pour some hot water to wipe his face.

Ruan Qiu didn't allow him to leave and hugged him tightly, "I'll be fine in a minute."

Xi Yuan had no choice but to carry him to the bathroom.

The layout of the bathroom is very similar to that of the main star. Ruan Qiu looked around, consciously closed the door, and began to unbutton.

Xi Yuan held him down and kissed his finger. "What's going on?"

Ruan Qiu naturally said, "Aren't you going to take a shower?"

"I want to take a shower" Xi Yuan compromised "Okay."

But every time before taking a shower, they always do something else first.

Ruan Qiu waited for a while and found that Xi Yuan didn't mean that, and his mood fell inexplicably.

He sat in the bathtub, holding his knees in his hands, and the drops of water on his hair rolled down with an aggrieved expression.

Xi Yuan wiped the water stains off his face. "What's wrong?"

Ruan Qiu grabbed his sleeve and whispered, "I want to take a shower with my brother."

Xi Yuan was silent for a moment, "Good."

He began to unbutton his clothes, took off his clothes wet with water, and went into the bathtub.

The bathtub is a little small, and it looks crowded when two people sit in it.

No matter how much Ruan Qiu did, he was finally happy. He adjusted his posture and sat on Qiyuan's lap, leaned affectionately in his arms, and asked him to rub his back.

After stumbling, Ruan Qiu was still restless.

His cheeks turned red, unconsciously rubbing against the abyss, and he wanted to grab his hand and put it on himself.

Xi Yuan helped him, "I'll wait until you wake up."

Ruan Qiu opened a pair of wet eyes and said, "I'm not drunk."

He felt that his consciousness was clear, but his behavior was a little uncontrollable.

But even if he is out of control, he does what he likes.

He rubbed gently and spoiled him with the attack on the abyss. He didn't hurt him every time and wanted him to help himself.

The sluice of the bathtub has not been closed, and the water inadvertently overflowed and quickly filled up. Xiyuan calmed Ruan Qiu, and then held his hand to solve it.

Ruan Qiu looked down at the water and was still in a trance.

Qi Yuan pinched his chin and bit lightly on the side of his neck, "Okay."

He took Ruan Qiu out of the bathtub, cleaned it again, and dressed him back to the bedroom.

At this time, Ruan Qiu was finally sleepy again. Before his hair was dry, he buried his head and leaned on the shoulder of Xiyuan. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The next day, until noon, Ruan Qiu finally woke up.

He looked at the snow-white ceiling above, and his consciousness gradually returned, thinking of everything last night.

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