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Si Xun has only been away for a day, and he should still be on his way to the main star.

Ruan Qiu and Si Chun had a conflict. Before the principal could contact their parents, the inquiry had already known.

Not only did he know, but he also arrived at the college in a very short time.

Did you not leave at all, or did you... make another leap?

The principal hurried out of the corridor to have a look. Several familiar starships were coming towards the college below, and the transition point in the sky was slowly closing.

... Sure enough, I have been hearing that the chief of the alliance is rich and spends a lot of money, and I have finally seen it in the past two days.

The principal hurried downstairs and saw Si Xun walking out of the hatch surrounded by a team of Union troops and quickly stepped forward to greet him.

"I don't know how contemptive the chief is when he comes," the principal kowtowed and asked tentatively, "You are, for the afternoon thing..."

Si Xun didn't say yes, and he didn't say no. He had no expression on his face. He looked a little cold and unhappy: "Xiaoqiu left home for the first time. I'm not worried. Come and have a look."

The headmaster smiled, and his back was faintly cold.

Ruan Qiu's talent is ordinary. He is at the bottom in places like Harlem College, and the college doesn't pay much attention to it. He only regards him as a rich child who comes to experience life.

Even Sharp said that I'm afraid that it won't be long before he and his twins will drop out of school because they can't adapt.

What happened in the afternoon training class is suspicious on both sides, but Si Chun, the son of Harlem Star, has the best comprehensive ability among the freshmen, and the college will favor him.

Therefore, if the inquiry does not come today, Ruan Qiu will probably be punished.

In a blink of an eye, the principal led the inquiry into the office.

Seeing the familiar white robe, Ruan Qiu was both surprised and excited: "Uncle!"

The dragon and phoenix twins also saluted: "Mr."

Si Xun looked up and down Ruan Qiuzhou's body, confirming that he was not injured, and his expression softened slightly: "Hmm."

Tang Qian behind him took a few steps closer and asked with concern, "Young master, are you all right?"

Ruan Qiu shook his head: "I'm fine."

The fighting skills of the dragon and phoenix twins are also strong, and he almost effortlessly beat a group of people down. He only watched the fun in the distance, and the wrist that was hit did not hurt.

The others in the room were extremely shocked and looked at Ruan Qiu with different faces.

A student covered his injured jaw and lowered his voice, "Does the chief have any other sisters?"

"Don't talk." Si Chun frowned, and his eyes quietly turned back and forth between Si Xun and Ruan Qiu.

The headmaster was also stunned for a moment and cleared his throat before he found his voice: "You... you sit down first."

He took the opportunity to call out the other teachers and make a pot of the best tea himself.

Si Xun sat down on the chair moved by the principal, and Ruan Qiu followed him: "Uncle, why are you here..."

My Uncle and Boyfriend are Both VillainsWhere stories live. Discover now