Chapter 22

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Jude's POV
7pm|2 weeks later

Jude's POV7pm|2 weeks later

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Jude's outfit

I was currently in the car with my mom on my way to the house, when I got a call from Sympathy

I answered the call and waited for it to connect

" Hey baby"

" Hey, I know your tired cause you just got back from training and stuff but I'm hungry and my backs killing me, my head spinning and I don't feel like cooking" she said

She sounded sick

" Watchu want, you need some pills or something "

" Can you pick up some of them tacos I been craving them for a while and no I'm fine bout to drink some ginger tea and hopefully I will be fine" she said and I heard shuffling

" Okay, I love you "

" I love you too" she said before the call ended

" She's pregnant"

" Mama don't say things like that I doubt it"

" Jude as a mother I know these things, have you been using protection"

I shifted uncomfortably at the stop light

" No, why would I where married "

" Exactly so she could be pregnant, drop me at Walgreens and I will go get some test while you get the food" she said taking her phone and purse

I parked and we got out, I locked the door and made my way over to the taco shop while mama went to get the things

Sympathy's POV

Sympathy's POV

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Sympathy's outfit

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Sympathy's outfit

I groaned as I turned on the couch, I was having a horrible migraine and my back was killing me

I don't even know how I started feeling this way out of nowhere

It's all been happening since the trip

A few minutes went by and I saw headlights and Jude's car pull up

He existed the car talking to someone

" Ma don't go in there and scare her with it"

" Boy shut up I won't hurt my baby"

" Wow replaced your first born I understand though" Jude said and the front door opened

" Babe, where are you "

" I'm in the living room" I said hugging the pillow

" Hey sugarplum " mama Denise said kissing my cheek

" How's my grandbaby doing" she said rubbing my stomach

" Ma what I told you? Really "

" What she might be pregnant, a matter a fact you are pregnant " she said looking at me

" I doubt it probably a stomach bug" I said

" Mhm take these then come eat " mama said handing me a bag of pregnancy test

Sighing I got up and stretched

God my back

I winced as I walked and Jude followed me to the bathroom

I got a clear cup and peed in it and opened the test and dipped them in the pee and then set them on the counter

" Jude what if I'm pregnant "

" Hey ain't nothing go change, imma be here for you as your husband and father of our child don't worry we got this " he said rubbing my cheeks and kissed me

" I would fuck you right now but mom's here" he muttered kissing my ear

" And also not the best time" I said smiling and pecked his lips

The timer went off scaring me, I held my chest in shock

At the same time mama Denise came

" Your dad and brother is on the phone, come on tell us the results" she said

She was excited to become a grandma and apart of me wanted to get pregnant just because of this

I flipped over the test one by one and looked at the five

" There positive" I said

" YES LORD YOU ANSWER PRAYERS!" mama Denise said as everyone cheered

" Uncle Jobe on duty guys"

I laughed

I'm happy yet sad I wanted to wait s while before having a baby but I was also happy

Jude definitely wanted me to be pregnant cause that man hasn't pulled out once since we started having sex

" I'm a daddy now" Jude said smiling

I kissed him as his hand rested in my non existent bump

I'm kinda excited to start showing

" I'm so happy right now"

" Whatever makes you happy I'm happy too"

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