Introduction to the Character

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Hello my name is Shelby Harper and I am 23 years old, my parents names are Thomas and Georgia and I am an only child. When is 17 I lost my parents in a house fire, and it changed me and since that night I have been trying to find who did it, or what did it i should say, yes that's right I said what, you see I am a hunter, but not your average animal hunter I am a monster hunter I hunt things like vampires, Wendigos, ghosts, ghouls and much more. And I will admit being a hunter isn't the most safest job in the world but I for some reason enjoy it even though I don't get paid for it. I drive a 2006 Dodge Charger. I don't hunt for the glory I'm just trying to save a few lives here and there. And there's nothing wrong with that, right?

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