The time when Apollo made Percy freak out

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Paul had just started the lesson; the subject was the poem Iliad.

Since discovering about the Greek gods being real, he had started asking the students to read relevant books about mythology, such as Odyssey and Iliad.

No one, but Percy and Annabeth, knew the reason.

The class had started just 15 minutes ago when the sun god invaded the room in full model clothes, sunglasses and dragging an Oracle not satisfied at all by the arm.

- PERCY! ANNABETH! – said the god, ignoring the mortals around that were staring completely shocked, and Rachel that was red with embarrassment and apologizing to Paul and the couple – I HAVE EXCELENT NEWS: YOU TWO ARE GOING TO ASCEND!

A pipe blows right over Apollo, at the same time that Percy and Annabeth screamed:


The mortals, except Paul, had no idea what "Ascend" meant, but the supposed that the couple would be promoted.

But why weren't them happy?

And how did a pipe burst right on top the newcomer?

- Okay... This wasn't the reaction I was hoping for – said Apollo, coming out of under the pipe, completely confused by the reaction – Why aren't you happy? This is good news!

- No. No it is not! – protested Percy, clearly freaking out – I refused it once. I don't want this!

- I'm also not interested – says Annabeth, a little calmer than Percy – And you could have waited until the end of the class to tell us...

- I'm sorry, Annie... – said Rachel – I tried to stop him, but... You know how he is.

- Maybe you would want to talk about this outside – said Paul, exhausted – The pipe burst, and I have to call the manutention. Everyone out. Gather your belongings and go to the courtyard.

The class was quick on the evacuation, no one wanted to get wet.

Percy and Annabeth, still mad a loosing their minds, took Apollo and Rachel to the other side of the school, before Percy say between teeth:

- What is going on? Why do you think we are ascending?

- Sorry, Percy... - says Rachel – I had a vision on a dream. You know, like the ones I had before becoming the Oracle. So, I told my boss.

She pointed to Apollo, that was smiling, as if he had just received the best news in all his immortal live.

- I looked up your future – he said excited – Percy is going to ascend first, he is already on the process, it must happen in about a year, and how he connected his soul to yours, Annabeth, when he bathed on the Styx, you are going to ascend right after.

The garden sprinklers went crazy.

- I DON'T WANT THIS! – screamed Percy.

The ground shook a little, and for the first time Apollo looked afraid.

- Percy, I'm sorry... But, from what I saw, you can't avoid it. If, for some reason, you die before the ascension, you will ascend on your death.

The sprinklers went flying with the pressure of the water.

- Percy... - said Annabeth, hugging him – We will get thru it together, ok? We will always have each other.

- I'm so sorry, Wise Girl... - mutters him – I didn't even knew I had connected my soul to yours... I should have known... During the bath on Styx, I saw you pulling me out and telling me not to give up... And now... Now I pulled you onto a destiny neither of us want.

- Percy. – she says, with tears on her face – It isn't your fault. In reality, I'm happy to know that we are connected. I love you. This will never change.

Slowly, the water stopped flowing from where the sprinklers used to be.

Percy hugged her tightly, crying.

- I'm sorry for the way that I announced that – asked Apollo, he liked the two of them and had been extremely excited with the news.

- I told you that you should have waited – scolded Rachel.

The couple stopped hugging, drying their eyes, but kept holding hands.

Rachel apologized once more, and dragged the god of prophecy out of the school.

The couple took some time to calm down, before returning to the class.

Paul looked at them with worry, and they explained to him, voices low, what Rachel had seen and that it was inevitable.

Paul understood, he abandoned the "teacher" posture and decided to act as the dad and future father-in-law of the couple, hugging them and letting them go home early, so they could put their thoughts in order.

As for their classmates, they being to question why the two of them had reacted badly over the news that they would be promoted.

And why Rachel, that they new from the time she studied at the school, was involved on that part of their lives.

And who was the blond teenagers that looked like a model and why it was him that gave the couple the news, even if everyone agreed that he was extremely handsome.

As for Percy and Annabeth, neither of them wanted this, but they decided to pick the lemons and make a lemonade. After ascending, they could do more to the demigods, help at camp and take more demigods safely to both camps.

It wasn't the ideal, but they would make the best they could with what they have.  

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