blog 2

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Hey sorry for not posting a Blog yesterday I was celebrating my dad's birthday he passed away a couple of years ago so it was just a day where it was just me and my brother and my sister that decided to celebrate my dad's birthday and all that went to sleep and it was just going to be the second block you like to see the title hope you guys enjoy it again you guys have any suggestions just write it down to like comments or you guys could see me have a Twitter account as well I'll try for my Twitter account somewhere at the end of this and I also have Instagram so you guys put those two in my bio to get to try and send me any suggestions if you guys want.

Now I recently just saw a video about about a Blog of Mexican wrestling and they were mentioning of a match that happened I would say like a month ago maybe about that and they were talking about how doing the match talking about Faby Apache and how apparently during the match she did not seem to enjoy it he seemed to be frustrated during the match and basically just wasn't she getting off her 110% like boys but it didn't seem like she was excited during the match and I can see two point of view I want two newcomers and new superstars or social females said about her and another and another wrestler who happens to be her friend but he's an exotic wrestler. I don't have nothing against you female wrestlers who are trying to get into a business trying to do their own thing trying to prove themself but I do want to say that I I recognize to the two point of view that they put out that maybe she shouldn't be offended or what they said but conscience of what they said and comments about it does kind of live off a little bad and it just doesn't seem appropriate to say it at times until you prove yourself and I'll explain what basically they kind of said.

Now these two independent female wrestlers basically started saying what every every wrestler who this new or who goes into a company says all the time about Benson and that's 50% are you guys are old you don't need to make way for the new girls what are the new top dog or topless we are the we're the ones that running the Shelf we are the best time don't get me wrong that's true but what came off the wrong way is that you guys don't prove it in it you could say it but the bomb like you have to prove to not do anybody but besides of the fans is the fans to enjoy the match because it's kind of didn't do it right and it seems like nowadays I'm saying this social from the States aew WWE and that's the fact that most of these young Talent do the talk a lot more but they can't prove it or they don't show it and during the wrestling match and that kind of sucks too because you would expect that always because of new Talent they need to bring in the flavor New Taste to the game and in reality thing don't and it sucks because they do not understand how hard a veteran religion has to work to open the gate open the pathway for the new journalists to kick in.

Now I love how this didn't really hurt her spirit because how she's handled it how and her response was more like basically tell me what I mean Legend veteran of the of the wrestling world we'll talk to any young Talent you want to you say you're the best prove it don't waste your time talking prove it and time again you just have to keep doing it because if you prove it in any slack off somebody you were younger maybe not that old couple years older than you as well to be takes you takes a spot from you you know and it's funny cuz it's like you could have done it but you spent too much talking and not proven yourself not practicing the lands it can now be so lovely that a lot of you these young Talent have half or don't or do moves that are crazy but crazy enough to the point where you know you seen that person that you can get social hair I'm not a lot of stupid just have been getting hurt a lot of your internet has been getting injured I've done moves Dives that are too risky and that's another factor that plays I was like you're talking about dancing that's been in the business he has got injuries obviously the game hurt like any other person would but you being an accountant your first couple messages you end up getting a ninja 2.0 you're going to have to get surgery that's not taking care of that I'm making you look like like you can handle this business and a lot of you don't try it for a year after year they don't come back. And Bobby has been all around the world like you cannot deny her career and for you to look for someone a new Talent better yet to see stuff like oh well he's old to make everything in the movies my boyfriend for us you're shouldn't wrestle anymore do you know who you're talking about like you're saying these comments to one of the Mexico's top female wrestlers a pioneer someone who open the door a lot more for female wrestlers and new talent to come into this world she's been in the business for almost 30 years yes she's not that you know like young anyone but she's sitting in late forties and she's still kicking ass and it proves again because she's wrestled with everybody she wrestle with the top of the top female division she probably gets both in the states and in Mexico.

She's been alone the world for quite a bit she's been obviously here in the United States she traveled to London she traveled to Puerto Rico how she lived in Japan for 5 years with her older sister Mary to just learn more of wrestling and in Japan has one of the best wrestling companies in the world and if we need to tell her that you're old when she does anymore it's kind of like a selective face in my opinion because because these two young Talent they do have talent but it's like okay how many years have you been in the business how many years have you been in a company who have you left with name one top wrestler it could be a male or female that you actually had to battle but it's not easy for you to earn that respect you know you no matter what you give respect to those veterans Legends but for them to respect you you need to earn it and you need to prove to them that you are there too show them what you have learned and just to prove why not really prove but improve the skills in a way.

Now there is a lot of young Talent in both male and female don't seem to understand the sacrifice or trusacrifice to say is what it is to mean if you want to be the best or known to be the best you're going to have to go through tough obstacles now you can say well it'll be easy it's not a lot of these Legends have sacrificed to their marriages sacrificed basically being a role as a parent for the kids and that's hard because in order to reach the career you want to get you going to show how much he left a business and Sally that goes to missing out on kids birthdays missing out Christmas missing out New Year's Eve any almost any holiday you're kind of blocked for example WWE, they basically work 24/7 I'm asking a lot you know it's not just like oh we're going to sleep to see you yes but they're going to different state to different state and then also I see what they're doing now is basically having pay-per-views and different countries for example money in the bank this year was in London maybe somebody's kid's birthday was today or yesterday to stay and they had to miss it because they were scheduled to wrestle you know and that's what I mean like you got to learn how to balance that a lot of superstars again have sacrificed so much they sacrify the family and that's a hard bullet to buy because can you imagine if you're the only number between you and your partner being the only one that you're wrestling want you to punish at home taking care of the kids and then you are scheduled on kids birthday you can't celebrate you can't go home you can't be like hey I can do this no cuz if you do that it's like you lose the money right there if you want to have a child you got to understand and you're going to put yeah sadly miss a lot of those grown up and a lot of wrestlers have had that happen to have nothing missed the children growing up it's sad but then on the positive side they can rewarded a lot more.

In Mexico wrestling is a big part of that it is and the reward that they get is basically the respect from other independent wrestlers they get to me new people new cities most of them they get to hang out with old friends new friends but I think the best reward is actually being able to go home to the kids wives or husbands and get to just hug them tell them about the trip they might bring so many souvenirs and also just the love that they get from the fans who enjoy true wrestling it's it's something that enjoyable that if you give 100% and you show them that you know what you're doing that's love you and that's where you know that through the ones that they're going to put you on top and say you know what you're the best wrestler you are interested you are not respected but again much young stars or Talent don't see it that way they just assume that looking at your way it's the new thing it's like no if you want to be in this point and get approve yourself time time and time again it's a never ending proven yourself because again you could be good but he might not be good enough and someone who's probably has a little bit more years in the business to snatch that title away from you.

I think faby said was right appropriate because I think Lily I've seen who could be the tops female wrestlers and one of them want to have a couple of that like I already there that you need a little bit more and it would be lady flamer and she is right now for me a really good wrestler she has proved it I just feel like she needs a little bit more push but if you would tell me what you would ask me who would I pick to two young Talent or lady flamer I would choose because she has already wrestled with the top of the top Divas or female wrestlers but at the end of the day I am still saying that faby is the best female wrestler that is truly the best in the world.

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