12. A Dream

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Chiron had insisted we talk about it in the morning, which was kind of like, Hey, your life's in mortal danger. Sleep tight!

It was hard to fall asleep, but when I finally did, I dreamed of my father. It looked like he was on the Princess Andromeda. He looked younger, and he was bowing before something. I was behind him, but I knew it was him. There was nobody in front of him, but a voice spoke.

"Do you swear to bow down to the Lord of Time, in exchange for youth and power," the voice said. It was deep, and I remembered it somewhere from my past.

My father's body changed from young to old, or to child, to mid-age and the cycle repeated. Once it stopped, and he looked like a teenager yet again, maybe my age or 1 year older, he spoke. "I swear it by the river Styx."

He knelt on one knee.

Someone stood right beside the voice. "It is done."

I knew who said it. And I knew him well. Or so I thought.


"You must now train to fight against the camp, against your children. And you must be prepared to fight your children, even to the point of killing them-" Luke began.

I felt cold. I shivered. My eyes seemed to grow wide.

"I swear to go as far as needed," Phillip answered, cutting Luke off.

My vision changed. I was in front of my father, staring at him, and he didn't see me. He had a snarl across his face. He looked truly evil. But, he looked like me. Blonde hair, with a little brown. The only thing that was different was his eyes. They were blue, with some dark gray. He was younger, and he had a scar on his forehead which went down to his eyebrow, then stopped.

He stood up. His arms were more buff than they were when I last saw him. Your typical high school gym crush.

But that's not what I was thinking. He was going to go to the lengths of killing me and all children of gods and goddesses.

"You must be able to fight the children of the prophecy. Both of them. The child of a major god, and a child of a major goddess. Plan your outreach, it's going to be sooner than you think. One at a time, Phillip Lancaster. Plan your outreach. And if you go back on your promise, you shall have a punishment. Fierce and strong it will be."

I finally recognised the voice. Kronos, Lord of Time.

That's when I woke up with a scream.

It was all a blur, all I knew was that my siblings rushed over, along with a few from the Athena cabin, who must've heard me. They asked what was wrong, and I told them I couldn't breathe. I couldn't. It felt like an asthma attack but then I remembered, I didn't have asthma.

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