20. I'm Done Waiting

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Did it take me more time than I wanted to rest? Yes. Should I have stayed in bed, resting? Yes. Did my ADHD stop me from resting? Yes. Did I want to fight? Yes. Was my arm healed completely? NO.

And there I was, stumbling into my brothers. "Adiraleise, you should be resting!" Corey bickered, turning around.

I shrugged my left shoulder. "I'll be fine. That ambrosia and nectar fixed me up," I explained. Noah shot me a glare, along with Brenna and Carlos. Brett shrugged. "Guys, if she feels she's strong enough to fight, let her."

Everyone looked at Brett with a scoff, except Asher, who just smiled. "Adi's strong guys. Stronger than any of us, and if you guys tell me otherwise..." she didn't finish. I smiled.

"Good thing I can fight ambidextrous," I added.

Corey let out a huff. "I promised Artemis I'd take after you. If something happens to you-"

"You'd never forgive yourself. I know, Cor. But I'm done waiting to fight Phillip. We're fighting today. He dies or I do. And I got something to live for. He doesn't."

I pushed through my siblings.

"But, Adi, your shoulder–"

"Is fine."

"Are you sure that you'll be able to-"

"Kill him? Of course not. But if its the only way for my siblings to be safe, I'll do it."

They led the way as I walked into the main hall. Demigods were spread throughout the area, and once they saw me, they all clapped in appreciation.

Annabeth rushed over, her face pale. "Adi! What are you doing? You have to rest!!"

"Believe me, Annabeth. She wouldn't listen to us. She definitely wouldn't listen to you," Brett scoffed. Annabeth made a face at him and I let out a small laugh. "Where's Percy? I need to talk to him."

"He's sleeping, which is what you should be doing," Annabeth said to me. I rolled my eyes. "I can still fight, Annie. I'll be fine."

She gave me a side-eye, then she nodded towards one of the rooms. "He's sleeping. There's an army heading into Central Park."

"Phillip anywhere?"

"We couldn't tell."

I began walking towards the room Annabeth nodded to.

I opened the door slowly, and there he was. He was rapidly moving, and you could see his eyes twitch even though his eyes were shut. I walked over to the body. I kneeled down, about to kiss his lips.

But then he woke up with a thud. Well, I did get my kiss, but our foreheads also hit.

"Shit!" I said, holding my forehead.


Due to the nectar and ambrosia still in my system, the pain subsided.

"Sorry, babe." I said. "I was just about to wake you."

He rubbed his head and I couldn't help but notice how frightened he looked.

"Percy?" I asked. "What's wrong?"

I leaned down, holding his head in my hands.

"Nothing," he said. "What . . . what are you doing in armor? You should be resting, princess."

"Oh, I'm fine," I said, though I still must've looked pale. I was barely moving my right arm. He noticed easily, because he gave me a look. "That nectar and ambrosia fixed me up."

"Uh-huh. You can't seriously go out and fight."

I offered him my good hand and helped him up. Outside, the sky was purple and red.

"You're going to need every person you have," I said. "Annabeth told me about the army. There's an

"Heading south into Central Park," he said, grabbing both of my wrists. "Yeah, I know."

He told me his dreams.

"Do you think Ethan suspects about your weak spot?" I asked.

"I don't know," He admitted. "He didn't tell Kronos anything, but if he figures it out—"

"We can't let him."

"I'll bonk him on the head harder next time," he suggested. "Any idea what surprise Kronos was talking about?"

I shook my head. "I didn't see anything in that shield, but I don't like surprises."


"So," I said, "are you going to argue about me coming along?"

"Nah. You'd just beat me up."

I managed a laugh, which was good to hear from myself. He grabbed his sword, and we went to rally the troops.

Thalia and the head counselors were waiting for us at the Reservoir. The lights of the city were blinking on at twilight. I guess a lot of them were on automatic timers. Streetlamps glowed around the shore of the lake, making the water and trees look even spookier.

"They're coming," Thalia confirmed, pointing north with a silver arrow. "One of my scouts just reported they've crossed the Harlem River. There was no way to hold them back. The army . . ." She
shrugged. "It's huge."

"We'll hold them at the park," Percy said. "Grover, you ready?"

He nodded. "As ready as we'll ever be. If my nature spirits can stop them anywhere, this is the place."

"Yes, we will!" said another voice. A very old, fat satyr pushed through the crowd, stumbling over his own spear. He was dressed in wood-bark armor that only covered half of his belly.

"Leneus?" Percy and I asked.

"Don't act so surprised," he huffed. "I am a leader of the Council, and you did tell me to find Grover.
Well, I found him, and I'm not going to let a mere outcast lead the satyrs without my help!"

Behind Leneus's back, Grover made gagging motions, but the old satyr grinned like he was the savior of the day. "Never fear! We'll show those Titans!"

I didn't know whether to laugh or be angry, but I managed to keep a straight face.

"Um . . . yeah," Percy began. " Well, Grover, you won't be alone. The Athena cabin, Adira and the Artemis cabin will make their stand here. And me, and . . . Thalia?"

She patted Percy on the shoulder. "Say no more. The Hunters are ready."

I looked at the other counselors. "That leaves the rest of you with a job just as important. You have to guard the other entrances to Manhattan. You know how tricky Kronos is. He'll hope to distract us with this big army and sneak another force in somewhere else. It's up to you to make sure that doesn't happen. Has each cabin chosen a bridge or tunnel?"

The counselors nodded grimly.

"Then let's do it," I said. "Good hunting, everybody!"


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