not a hallucination

11 1 9

I'm standing in the desert, tired and possibly hallucinating.

My friend pokes me. "Hey." She says. I groan. "No, seriously. Look!"

I look where she's pointing and see–I don't even know. Two huge elephant-ish things with mega-long giraffe legs?

I shrug and say, "Eh, we're probably just hallucinating." The elephant things step towards us. "Nope, never mind, not a hallucination."

My friend shrugs, "It'll be fine. Let's just walk."

I look at her. "Are you crazy? They have obelisks on their heads! They're gonna kill us!"

My friend continues walking. "We're gonna die anyways," she says."Would you rather be killed by these guys or of dehydration?"

I huff, stomping after her. "This is stupid," I say. The elephants step closer to us, folding their legs down to sit. An obelisk tumbles off one of their heads, food and water bottles pouring out. The elephant gestures to the obelisk, trumpeting as an invitation. My friend and I exchange a glance, and then we sprint towards the abundance of sustenance, ripping packages open and eating quickly. We don't realise what is happening until the light is gone, and we're trapped, unfamiliar screams echoing in the darkness.

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