7: Slow breaths

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I gently sighed and stroke over Jay's chest

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I gently sighed and stroke over Jay's chest. It was midnight, and he was already asleep. I couldn't blame him. Since a few days none of us were able to catch any sleep.
6 days.
It's been 6 days since Jubilea broke under Sylvie's pressure. He's not been doing well, his eyes were constantly dull and unconcentrated.
I sighed quietly. There was an unsettling aura around him now, somewhat creepy and dangerous.
I hated it. But I couldn't do anything against it. Jubilea wouldn't react to anything, even Xander was helpless.
The only person that could communicate with him was Antonio. It was insanely weird and at the same time somewhat cool. But nonetheless, I didn't like it. 
At least Hero didn't cause troubles. His mental state was shockingly fine since the therapy, and he seemed so much more stable. A lot of times he fell back a bit and asked about his dolls, but Red could calm him down by handing him a little teddy bear he bought him, for exactly those occasions. 
Also because Hero obeyed during the therapy and allowed people to help him. It was a struggle for the demon, but a worth one. 
I was honestly quite glad Hero took that risk. At least now he was calm and collected. 
Jay shifted in my arms and I glanced at him. He seemed to noticed that I wasn't asleep, so he started waking up. I didn't appreciate that, but knew I couldn't intervene. 
He hummed weakly and opened his eyes, disoriented for a second. He blinked a bit and pushed himself up slightly, looking over to me. 
There was a small silence before he tiredly grunted. "Why aren't you asleep?", he muttered softly. I gently caressed his cheek. "I'm not tired yet.", I admitted. "There's so much going on lately." 
Jay fully sat up and rubbed his eyes. I watched, not saying anything while he tried to regain his senses. 
Eventually he yawned softly. "You really gotta sleep tho, hunny. You do constantly use power trying to heal Nightmare, and we all couldn't sleep recently. So try to rest a bit now too, okay?", he asked quietly. I sighed, but nodded. "Okay, Jay.", I replied. 
He hummed in satisfaction and lied back down. This time he put his head on my chest to add some weight, wrapping his arms around my middle. 
I relaxed a bit with the extra pressure on my upper body. Jay seemed to notice that, softly humming. "Maybe we should think about getting you that weighted blanket.", he mentioned, glancing up at me.
I sighed softly. "If it doesn't bother you, I suppose we could. But I don't know what sleep will be like for you."
"I'll be fine. Had to have one for Red for a long time, so I'm used to it.", he replied. I hummed. "Red used one?"
"Yeah, but only a 7kg one. He would've needed an 8kg blanket tho. It was okay however, it worked nonetheless. I think Hero's getting one too, I noticed that since we met he struggled with sleep. Plus it might keep him calm.", he explained softly. I nodded slowly before giving in. "Sure, we can try. Maybe it helps me.", I softly mumbled, slowly growing tired.
Jay kept cuddling me tightly, yawning."Sleep, dove.", he tenderly whispered. I smiled a bit at that and agreed, closing my eyes.
Soon after that I was asleep, resting for the first time since a few days.

 Soon after that I was asleep, resting for the first time since a few days

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I stayed awake for a long time, my mind not shutting up. Red was long asleep, sprawled all over me. I didn't mind all that much, used to it by now. He does that a lot, and weirdly enough, he manages to feel comfy on my boney ass body. 
But, whatever makes him sleep comfy I guess. 
I crossed my arms behind my head, staring at the ceiling.
Somehow I felt really exhausted. Which was unusual, especially at this time. It's only 3 am, usually I'm completely awake. But not today.
A bit annoyed I sighed a bit. Guess I can't change it, I gotta sleep.
So I decided to snuggle into the pillows, closing my eyes so I could sleep in peace.

My sleep was anything but peaceful. I woke up rather quickly, but not at home, buried underneath Red. Instead, I was in a fully dark area.
The void.
A bit confused I looked around. This was unusual. I never come here unless I get visions, at least that's what Notch told me.
I sighed and looked for someone. Usually someone would be here, if this was truly a vision.
That was true. There was someone waiting for me, standing a few meters away. That was Absentia.
"It's been a while, Hero.", he calmly greeted as I approached him. I hummed softly and stopped once I was with him.
"It has been. Where have you been?'", I asked. Absentia softly sighed. "Here and there. Mostly in the Aether. Also was on a mission with the wendigos. Cute creatures, not even gonna lie."
I tilted my head slightly, but decided not to question it. Instead I nodded. "Sounds fun. Why am I here tho?", I asked. Absentia noticed the change in topic and cleared his throat. "You're in danger."
I paused a bit before giggling. "I always am, Abs. The bounty that's on my head must've reached the millions already.", I purred, quite proud.
Absentia frowned softly before sighing. "No. Not a bounty hunter."
I frowned as well. "What then?"
"I'm not allowed to tell you, but it's someone in the family. Someone you're already wary of.", he explained, and it finally clicked with me. "Antonio?", I asked. "Can't quite confirm or deny, Hero.", was his reply.
So I was right. That guy was nothing but bad news. Damnit, I had hoped that this wasn't the case. Merely because of Henory. He seems to happy with him, probably because he's finally getting fucked and loved.
I sighed weakly before nodding. "Anyone else too?"
"Jay. But he has a different attacker.", Absentia said. I nodded and memorized it. "Okay. Thank you for the warning."
Absentia nodded and allowed me to slip into a peaceful sleep.

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