31: Unbreakable silence

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We went back home rather quickly to allow me to settle down ever so slightly and finally wash myself

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We went back home rather quickly to allow me to settle down ever so slightly and finally wash myself. Sylvie had done quite some shit to my body, including covering it in blood. 
I hated it. 
What I hated even more tho is that she broke my robot. At least it wasn't my deer robot, but this was awful either way. I spent months, no, years building that thing, to no avail. It was supposed to be an entirely functional project for Scotty, but that's just out the window now. 
To say I was pissed is an understatement. I was livid. 
But at this point it was useless to point fingers. Sylvie was already gone. Hopefully for good this time. I think we can all agree that we're done with her shit. 
With a frustrated sigh I grabbed the shampoo bottle and squirted some into my hand. Then I started to thoroughly scrub it into my scalp, just to get rid of the feeling of long hair. It has a reason why I kept it rather short after all. I can't stand having hair constantly tickle my back or fly in my face. It's just plain uncomfortable.
I scratched my scalp slightly with my claws to calm down. It's nowhere as good as when Zeph does it but it should do the trick for now.
Thankfully I wasn't wrong with that assumption. It sort of calmed me down. Of course not entirely but I couldn't expect that anyway.
Once my hair was done, I took care of the rest of my body.
Some areas were really painful for some reason, but I didn't make a single sound. The last thing I want to do is make Zeph worried by yelling.
I clenched my teeth and washed off the soap, very careful. One spot however brought tears to my eyes when I or the water touched it, so I bit my tongue hard to stay silent. I didn't know what exactly was hurting, just that the pain spread through my back and hit my back like lightning.
A bit helpless I glanced down, seeing the severely deep cut in the back of my leg. The touch alone was enough to make it bleed, and I softly frowned, taking some shaky breaths.
This was not a good sign. I wasn't exactly happy about it, but knew I had to bandage this up quickly.
At least I managed to keep a mostly cool head throughout all of this.
I finished getting off the soap and stepped out of the shower, drying myself off. I grabbed the med kit and pulled out some bandages, tightly wrapping them around my leg to stop the bleeding.
Then I sat back down on the edge of the tub.
I just want to be okay for once.
But maybe that's already too much to ask for. The show has to go on after all, and by now it feels a little more sadistic than at the start, especially for my liking. But at this point I'm in too deep. I can't just... run away now, can I? Even if I was alone, if they can't find me, Jubilea can.
He always does.
I sniffed slightly, frowning at myself. My face still feels wet...
I raised my hand and trailed my fingers over my cheek, glancing at my fingertips.
Tears...? I'm crying?
At this point it's not much of a surprise. Most people would break down at the pressure I'm carrying.
But not me. I'm not a crybaby. Never was, never will be. It takes a lot to get tears out of me. Not even death could make me cry, so why now? Why am I crying now? Is it because of the cut? I don't cry from pain, that shit basically doesn't exist for me.
Maybe it's not the pain on the outside that's making me break down. Maybe it's the pain on the inside.
I snorted softly. How does that make any sense...
Grabbing my clothes, I got dressed, silently chuckling at myself.
Don't be stupid, Nightmare. Pain on the inside... There's only pain when you're severely damaged on the inside. Like when an organ ruptures. Or someone rips out your heart.
But nothing else. That mental stuff might work on others. But not on me.
I'm a very strong demon. Emotional damage doesn't work for me. Not after all I went through in the past. Not after literally everything that happened to me.
I wiped my tears and went out of the room, keeping my head high.
Pain on the inside... Yeah, right. As if. Nightmare, you can be an idiot sometimes. Especially right now.
I headed to the kitchen and grabbed myself something to eat before sitting down at the table to eat.
Hero came in shortly after and quietly said hi, to which I responded with a smile.
Or rather, tried to respond.
I couldn't even force myself to smile. Hero stopped and tilted his head confused as I tried to somehow get even the slightest little smile on my lips.
But that didn't work, no matter how hard I tried.
Nothing worked.
Eventually I just gave up and responded with a hello, getting up and leaving the room. I left my food there by accident, just wanting to escape that awkward situation.
Hero looked after me, clearly completely confused, eventually just shrugging tho and putting my food away.
I went to my room and closed the door, lying down on my bed. Just what the hell is going on with me?!
Why couldn't I smile?!
I frowned and buried my face in my pillow. There was this weird pressure on my chest, as if my heart was trying to tell me something.
But I just ignored it and went to sleep, silently praying that everything would be better the next day.
During my sleep I didn't notice that I slowly soaked the pillow with tears, and neither did I notice Althea and Hazel coming in, taking one look at me and then getting Zeph and Henory, their respective parents.
All that I noticed was that my dreams were entirely black and silent.
They were never black and silent.

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