3:3 Salvatore: The Musical!

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Salvatore: The Musical!
Part 3



"Congratulations!" Hope said sarcastically. "You cleared up your musical problem." Hope stated, scrunching up the piece of paper before throwing it on the floor. She then turned back to her painting, grabbing the paint brush.

Landon looked towards you sadly but you crunched it up and did the same, moving towards your bed to continue working on your laptop and writing down things for school. Landon walked away, opening and shutting the door once he left.

Hope set down the palette of colours before letting out a sigh. Kate looked at Hope before looking back at her computer, continuing with her homework.


Landon walked through behind stage of the performance. "Uh, one sec." He said to one student that had come up to him. As he continued walked, he accidentally crashed into someone's shoulder. "Geez! Sorry, sorry." He apologised and went to Kaleb. "Uh, here you go... jackets, scarf." Landon said.

"Oh, there it is, damn." Kaleb commented. Landon then started walking but Kaleb stopped him. "Oh, hey, yeah, this line right here... I'm not saying that." Kaleb said, already assuming Landon was okay with it and walked away.

"Okay, well, it's, uh..." Landon trailed off, not wanting to fight.

Lizzie then looked up from her position on the make-up chair. "Can you come up with something else for me to say here?" Lizzie questioned, pointing at her line. "Thanks." She said.

Landon stuttered on her words. "Uh, uh, okay, I'll, uh... Thank you, thank you, I think, um..." He then paused when he saw Dr.Goodfellow in front of him. "Do you need me to change something?" Landon questioned, feeling pressured about this show.

"No, no, no, no. You are doing wonderfully." He responded, following Landon.

"Yeah, well, you were wrong about Hope and Kate. They hated the changes. I'm pretty sure Kate hate me even more now, too." Landon explained, grabbing pieces of paper.

Dr.Goodfellow shrugged, but Landon didn't realise. "The cost of following your muse. Uh, speaking of, I have further bad news for you, I'm afraid." He stated.

A girl then came up to Landon, showing him two different things. "Uh, that one. Thanks. Thank you." Landon said to the girl.

The girl then walked, Dr.Goodfellow continuing his 'news'. "It would seem that your 'Klaus' has been struck down with a terrible stomachache." He stated. Landon looked down, annoyed yet sad no one was doing the part. "Yes, I know. Tragic. But there is some good news." This caught Landon's attention.

"There is another performer who is ready to step in. He already knows all the music. Possesses a certain gravitas." He rolled his tongue, laughing afterwards. If I may say." He was indicating himself. Just the a musical chrome sounded throughout the room. "Put me in, coach." He said, turning back to Landon.

The announcer over the P.A started speaking, everyone clapping and the room going dark. "And now it's time for... Salvatore: The Musical!" The crowd clapped and cheered, excited to see the musical.

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