Part 1

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Gabriella's POV-
My parents were away for the weekend for a business meeting so I was left with my brothers Josh and Nick. "There's leftover food in the fridge for dinner tonight. Gabriella you're in charge."my mum says to me grabbing her handbag. "Really?!"Josh says whining putting his spoon to his mouth. "Yes. Please make sure they get to training."I roll my eyes. "Yes, yes. I'll be sure.", "will I "accidentally" forget to pick them up? Maybe."I add. She laughs and gives us all on the forehead before leaving the keys behind. I go to walk up to my room and hear Josh shout, "we need to leave in 30!". I go into my bedroom and find a pair of grey sweatpants and a black crop top. I get changed, and quickly put on some perfume and lipgloss. I head downstairs and grab a bottle of water. "I'll meet yous in the car."I say grabbing the keys and shutting the front door behind me. I unlock the car and hop into the drivers seat. I connect my phone to Bluetooth and Josh and Nick shortly head out. They annoy me the whole drive with their singing. Luckily for me, it didn't take longer than 15 minutes to arrive at the training grounds. "What time am I picking yous up tonight?"I ask, Josh grabs his drink and starts walking off. "It's okay Gabi. We will get a lift home from one of the boys."Nick says tapping my shoulder. I smile at him and nod. "Love you."I say turning the gears in the car. "I love you."Nick says also getting out chasing after Josh. I sit there for a second and just laugh at him trying to catch up to Josh, before driving off. It was around 3 pm so I decided to grab a coffee and then I'll go home to read my new book that mum had bought me.

"Large vanilla iced latte."I say to the drive thru speaker box, "is that all?", "yes thankyou.". "$5.32. Drive around please."I drive around and pay the lady. I jam out to my music on the way home. The house was so cold so I turned the heater on and set up my book and some popcorn on the couch. I began reading and I must've got distracted because it was around 5.30 pm. Nick and Josh should be home anytime from now. "I guess I should get dinner prepared."I say sighing putting my book down and heading to the kitchen. I grab out the lasagna dish out of the fridge and preheat the oven as I top it with some more cheese. Mum makes the best lasagna.

I set out some plates and I hear a car pull up outside. The front door shortly opens and there appears Nick, Josh, and one brown headed boy. There was someone shutting the car door but I couldn't see over Jamie's head. "Gabi, this is Jamie Elliott and Jack Ginnivan. They're staying for dinner."Nick says, "I'm in charge. What?"I reply turning my body around to head back towards the kitchen. "They're only going to be here until after dinner and we are gonna rewatch the game."Josh says grabbing out some drinks. "Whatever. Just don't be annoying."I say grabbing out another two plates. Nick takes the dishes out to the lounge room. I notice another brown headed boy. He looks more around my age. His eyes catch mine and he smirks. I gulp back and sit down besides Jamie. "this is delicious."Jamie says shovelling a big forkful of lasagna in his mouth. I laugh. "You can thank my mother for that one."I wink at him and Josh puts on the game. I pull my phone out scrolling through tiktok. 

Dinner was finished. I grab everyone's plates. "Im going to go wash up."i head into the kitchen and fill the sink up with some soap. "Need a hand?"says a deep voice. I turn my body around to find Jack. He has the tea towel on his shoulder. "Sure why not? Thanks."He smiles and stands next to me. I start scrubbing the daily dishes clean and handing them to him. "So let me get this straight.. you're sweet and helpful and you're friends with my brothers?"I ask him handing him a clean coffee cup. He laughs, "I play alongside them but yes they're my friends.", "shocking."Jack begins drying it off with the tea towel in his hand. "so what do you do?"he asks me. "I look after them when my parents aren't around.", "I mean.. what do you do for yourself?"He says turning his attention to me. "I like to read. I like to travel. I'm currently studying to become a publisher."Jack raises his eyebrows. "A publisher?". "I feel like it's an easy job to do when you like reading and writing books. It just fits together."Gabriella says. "Dream location to travel?"he asks. "Hawaii or Bora Bora if we're talking tropical or Paris if we're talking just atheistically beautiful.". "You've really thought into that haven't you?"Jack says. I grab the tea towel out of his hand and hit his side with it which causes him to laugh. "What about you?"I ask. "Football. I love it. I've always loved playing since I was a little boy and I always said that I would play for Collingwood. Here I am."I smile. "I've never actually watched a game or stayed around to watch Nick or Josh play."Gabriella says tucking her hair behind her ear. "You should come sometime. Maybe you'll surprise yourself.", "I doubt it."silence fills the room for a second but it still felt comfortable. "What's your home life like?"I ask him. He swallows back his words. "Oh I'm sorry.. I shoul-"I say and he cuts me off "no, you're fine. Still live with my mum. Haven't seen my dad since I was little."I frown at him. "I'm sorry."He lets out a shy smile. We continue to talk about stuff for a while longer.

Jack and I had been talking for a while because Nick came and stood by the kitchen door, "so when are you planning on coming and actually watching the game Jack?"Nick asks him looking back and forth at both Jack and I. "In a minute."Jack replies. Nick looks at me once again before skipping away. I turn my body to the sink letting out the water. "Well thanks for helping me."I say putting the plug in front of the sink. "Anytime."he places his hand on my waist and I turn my attention to him. "Jack-"I turn away and he pulls my body back around to face him. He puts his index finger on my lips. "We cannot do this."he goes to say something but I quickly walk away before I can hear it. I head upstairs and shut my door so quick before he can chase me. I lock the door behind me and stand there against my door touching over my lips where he touched. What am I getting myself into?..

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