Part 8

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Gabriella's POV -
Things with Jack are starting to get more serious. we've been dating for around 2 months. We spend almost every other day when he's not training together. He's taking me on a date tonight which I'm super excited about. I pick out my yellow sundress and some sandals, and braid my hair. I step downstairs and fill my stanley up with some ice and cold water from the fridge. "you look beautiful sweetheart."says mum entering the room. "thanks mumma bear." "so where's he taking you?"she asks me. I shrug my shoulders, "not sure". I hear a knock on the door and quickly jump up ushering to see who it is. there greets me my boyfriend. he looks me up and down and smirks which makes my cheeks turn a light shade of red. "You look absolutely beautiful.", "not so bad yourself J.", "bye!"I shout out as I grab his hand. Jack leads me out to his car and opens the door for me. I smile at how sweet he is before jumping up in the passenger seat. i will also admit i love being the one that gets driven everywhere opposed to being the designated driver.

"can you please tell me where you are taking me?"i beg. "first stop food. second stop can't tell you."i groan and he laughs. we arrive at my favourite pasta place. I find it so sweet that he remembers. Jack gets out the car first and opens the door for me. i grab onto his arm gently and he leads me into the restaurant. as we ordered up at the counter i noticed him staring at me off guard.

Jack's POV -
She looked so good in that dress. she was leant over on the counter ordering her food. i notice Gabi catching me staring at her so i quickly look away. i order some alfredo and garlic bread for the table. "okay well bring it out in around 15 minutes."says the lady serving us. she links onto my arm again and we head and find somewhere to sit. Gabi sits across from me and I can't help but to admire the fuck out of her. she notices and decides to speak up, "what?"she says so innocently. "you just look so fucking beautiful tonight."I say taking her all in. "I can't help but look at you princess."she smiles and leans over the table planting a kiss on my cheek. "thanks babe."she says sitting back down in her seat. I pout. "that was a lame excuse for a kiss."She giggles. "so im not going to be able to see you as much in the next week or so because we are going flat out with training coming into finals."I say. She frowns. "It's just a week baby. then I'm all yours.", "atleast I'll be able to get some stuff done I guess. think mum misses having our daily adventures together." the food shortly arrives and we gussle it down.

Gabriella's POV -
Once we get back to the car Jack explains that he had to blindfold me for this next spot. "i really hate everything about this."i say. "it's okay it'll only be a minute baby."he says rubbing up and down my thigh. my breathing slows down and he gets out the car. a couple minutes later i hear my car door open. "here we are."Jack says lending out to his hand for me to grab onto. he helps me step out of the car considering I can't exactly see. he guides me to god know where which makes me nervous. but the the view once he took my blindfold off absolutely melted my heart. he had set up the back of his car with blankets, pillows, snacks and a laptop for movies. "how did you know?"I ask him, he begins to have a confused expression on his face. "know what?!", "this is my dream date."I say leaning over to him kissing him on the lips. "maybe I asked around.."he says biting his lip. he looked so hot. he lifted me up and put me on the edge of the back of his car. "and you know how long I've been waiting to get you where nobody is around.."Jack says moving just one finger up and down my inner arm which makes my skin tingle. "oh yeah? show me"I say with a teasingly smirk. he leans in beginning to kiss me. the kiss gets deeper and more rough. i move back so my back is on the pillows. "open princess."he says gesturing to my legs. I open my thighs and he slides right between them kissing along my face, then my jaw and then my neck. He begins sucking on the sweet spot on my neck. I let out a small groan. "I'll never let you forget how gorgeous you are."he reminds me. i look deep into his eyes while he runs the same finger that was on the arm down the front of my sundress. "I love you J.", "i love you princess."he whispers in a raspy voice. he's got one arm around my other leg holding it up and also keeping it still so I can't jolt away. my body aches to his touch. "Is this okay?"he asks. I nod quickly struggling to find words. "Words. I need words babe."he repeats. "Y-ye-yes"I manage to get out as he runs his finger along the top of my lace underwear. "good girl."Jack says which sends not only shivers down my shine but gives me huge butterflies in every place imaginable. i arch my back as he pulls my dress up and my underwear down. i turn my head away and notice he stops. "look at me princess. i want you to watch me see how good i can make you feel."he tilts my head back and I've got to admit he looks really fucking good between my legs. "try and stay still for me darling."i melt at how gentle he is with me and how delicate his words are. he rests my leg on his shoulder as he kisses the bottom of my stomach softly. "please Jack."i start to beg. he runs his finger along my clit slowly causing me to arch my back and moan. "are you sure?"he asks me. "yes. yes please."he slides just one finger in and then two stretching me. "you're so wet for me babygirl."if that word didn't make it multiply by the second I'm not sure what could. he strokes in an out. "mhmmm."he moans which is so hot. "you feel so good"he says. him talking me through it just makes it that little bit hotter. he starts going faster with his finger and it starts to make my legs shake. my legs wrap around his head and my fingers naturally gravatate to his curly brown hair. "i lo-love you so much."i say in between my heavy breaths. he slides his tongue along my folds. my fingers grip a bit tighter once he reaches my clit. "oh and you taste incredible by the way. maybe even better than the pasta." the mix of his fingers and his tongue almost sending me over the edge. "jack.."i moan. he speeds his tongue up right on my clit and i start to get louder and louder as i orgasam. he slides his fingers out of me and moves back up to where i can see him. he looks me in my eyes and sucks his fingers clean which turns me on just that little bit more. i feel his erection pushing against my leg. "my turn."I say climbing on top slowly unbuttoning his shorts and pulling both them and his boxers off. "is that okay?"I ask. "it's more than okay."Jack replies. i move my hand around him and lick the precum off the top of his head. he moans in pleasure. "good job, just like that babe."He says grabbing my hair into a ponytail around his fingers. I start to move my head up and down focusing on his tip. he grinds his hips upwards which makes my mouth take most of him. "fuck gabs, I'm gonna come. you're so good at this."he moans tugging on my hair. i keep doing at the same pace. i feel him tense up and his breathing become really heavy just before a warm liquid enters my mouth. i swallow it before laying beside him. we both catch our breaths for a minute. "here."Jack says handing me a bottle of water. i take a big sip before handing him some as well. "thankyou for planning all of this. it was really cute."Gabi says. I rest my head on his arm. "wanna watch a movie?"he asks rubbing my back. "yes please."not long after we begin watching my eyes become really heavy and i fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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