Part 7

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Gabriella's POV -
Everything with Jack and I has been going so well. He comes over every night after training. My parents came back from their holiday. "so when do I get to meet this man that is making my daughter so happy?"my dad says. "He's coming over later tonight."he smiles. "We'll be sure to make something nice for him."I head upstairs and find a skirt and cropped top ready for once I'm finished in the shower.

My mum cooked Jack tacos. My favourite food and she cooked it for him.
Jack - be there in 5 x
I brushed through my hair and sprayed some perfume on. Shortly after I heard the doorbell ring, "gabi, he's hereee."I hear Nick shout. I grab my phone and run down the stairs, stopping my speed as I get to the front door. I open it and he has some red flowers in his hand. I melt at the sight. "you look beautiful."he says which causes me to blush. "not so bad yourself J."oh, that's my new nickname for him from the first night we kissed. he handed me the flowers and I led him into the kitchen where Nick and Josh were sitting. "hey bro."Josh says calling him over. I go find a vase and put the flowers in it with some water. Mum pokes her head around the corner and raises her eyebrows once she sees Jack. She grabs the taco bowls off the bench next to me and whispers "good pick honey."I playfully hit her arm and she laughs.

Everything was going to well. Jack and my dad were making jokes and laughing non stop. "so how's the football season going for you Jack?"my dad asks him. Jack turns his attention to him, "yeah I'm loving it. I think we are doing really well and could be a potential candidate towards finals."I smile and he grabs onto my hand underneath the table. my mum and dad look at each other, then back at Jack "we should come to a game sometime soon."my mum says. Nick groans, "you would never come to one before Gabi was dating him."we all started laughing at him. "oh we love you baby."my mum says cuddling into his side. "yeah baby"I say mocking him. He kicks me underneath the table and I screw my face up. "this is really delicious by the way. thankyou for cooking this."Jack says taking another bite of the taco meat. "anytime darling."my mum says.

soon we were finished and we decided to go watch a movie in the movie room. nick, mum and dad organised snacks while Jack, Josh and I got blankets and pillows. Josh ran off to the supply closest where I went to my room. Jack followed behind me like a lost puppy. "they seem to really like you."I say beginning a pile of pillows. "I'm glad. i was worried they wouldn't.", "oh where's confident Ginnivan gone?"I say. he taps my shoulder and I turn my head back towards him. he rests his hand just under my jaw and leans in. his lips skim mine so softly. i lean back against him wanting more. he pulls apart just so he could say "right here gabs."i look up to his eyes and he winks. I lean forward again and push him. He laughs and I throw a pillow at him. "Hey! You asked for it."I throw a few more pillows at him. "and here is my favourite blanket."i say grabbing my huge soft pink blanket. we head downstairs and find a spot in the movie room. we all decide on a scary movie. i lay in between his legs and he plays with my hair. everytime a scary pop up happens i jump in my seat. my eyes started to feel heavy and Jack was loading himself up on soft drink. "hey.."i say sitting up a little bit and turning around. he turns his attention away from the screen and towards me looking at my lips and smirking. "yes?", "can you stay tonight?"I ask him. "I'll let the parents know."i smile and lay back down on his stomach. his warm skin bringing me so much comfort. within a few minutes i was dead asleep.

"she's out."I hear Jack say. Nick laughs, "little baby."i felt him lift me up and throw me over his shoulders. I groan. "hey hey, it's okay."He says rubbing my back as he steps into my room. he shuts the door and lays me down which is when i open my eyes. "thankyou for staying J."I say pulling the blanket over my exposed body. "not going to complain on sleeping next to you."I giggle as he slides into bed alongside me. he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. his hands skimming across the back of my shorts. my body quivers. he laughs at my reaction to his touch. "cold?"he asks pulling more of the blanket over us. "mhmm."i moan. he kisses my forehead and i melt inside. "goodnight gabs.", "goodnight J."

I'm sorry I haven't been updating much. I just got back from my first solo trip with my sister from Melbourne. i met ginni! he's such a sweetheart🥹

also it would really help to have some input from all of you. if you want some sort of twist or anything at all just send me a message. I'll be sure to give you credit if so. atm I'm struggling with coming up with ideas. i get random moments where i have a lot of ideas but then I also don't.

hoping to go back to Melbourne round 24🤍 thankyou for all of your support, and feedback. I'm glad you all are enjoying it!

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