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❝but i promise you this,i'll always look out for you

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but i promise you this,
i'll always look out for you.
yeah, that's what i'll do

— sparks, coldplay

Everyone was devastated after Florence revealed she was returning to London. She would be back at her horrible school after Christmas break. Florence would be lonely and unloved again. She couldn't even write to her uncle or friends.

Todd almost cried when he heard. Two of his best friends were gone, and he couldn't communicate with them. It quickly changed from the best to worst months of his life. Charlie got expelled from school. It was his final day too. 

They couldn't even hold a final Dead Poets Society meeting since the school hired more security to catch them sneaking out. They considered their gathering at the student lounge their last. 


"Will you ever visit?" Meeks asked, adjusting his round eyeglasses. "Maybe we'll see you next summer."

Florence shrugged, fiddling with her fingers. "When I'm allowed to live alone, perhaps. My parents would let me go over their dead bodies," she attempted to joke. "That'll be forever, though. You all will be separated. Everyone's going to different Ivy League schools, and I'll be studying in London."

"I wish you had more time. We could've gotten you goodbye gifts," Pitts added. 

Charlie raised his head, his eyes lightening up with an idea. He rummaged through his bag. "Maybe we can," he said.

Florence raised an eyebrow, curious to see his idea. Charlie took his ripped English textbook and a pen. 

"Some gift, Dalton," Knox snickered, earning a few dejected laughs.

"No, listen. This book has a significant meaning to us. It's what started our lesson on what real poetry was, hence the ripped page. What if we sign our names for her to keep?" Charlie explained as the poets nodded.

The redhead beside Florence agreed. "I think that's a good idea for a last-minute gift," Meeks concluded, taking the pen beside the textbook. He hid the book from her as he wrote his final message before passing it to Charlie. "Don't read it until you're back home."

Home. London wasn't home. 

Florence agreed as she silently watched her friends murmur as they wrote, snickering at everyone's message. Todd was the final one, constantly pausing to think of a goodbye. After a few minutes, he shut the book and handed it to Florence.

She pursed her lips as Mr. Nolan barged in, seeing the group in a circle. He frowned upon the group while they silently returned to their dorms. 

"I hope you enjoyed your last day, Ms. Keating and Mr. Dalton."

Over the Moon ✷ Neil PerryWhere stories live. Discover now