1: Sleepover?

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PLEASE READ BEFORE PROCEEDING: OMFG GUYS IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS. I have the whole thing planned out and holy crap, you guys are gonna love me. I hope. It took me about four months coming up with an exact plot, and I've been brainstorming like there's no tomorrow.

Now, to pump you all up, I've added several new characters to this book. If you've read the manga, or if you've heard of any of the arcs or characters, you will recognise some of them. If not, I shall fill you in on who they are!

Maurice: (From Manga) Main antagonist, leader of his group.

The characters from the Circus Arc: (Book of Circus) Maurice's group, also supporting antagonists.

Doll: Maurice's "Girlfriend."

Adrian "Undertaker" Crevan: Supporting cast, owns gothic/tattoo shop. (HOT TOPIC? LOLJK)

Lizzy's brother: (Manga) Supporting cast. Role: Surprise~ ;)

Arthur: (Book of Murder) Supporting cast, role: Surprise~!

Charles Phipps and Charles Grey: (Manga/Book of Murder) Supporting cast, role: Surprise~!

Soma and Agni: Roles: Surpise~!

Drocell: -Throws him in there because Drocell is my little puppet bby-

Other characters from the previous book will also appear, as well as some "Easter eggs" here and there.

First few chapters will start out slow and easy going, but beware... It'll hit you all like a truck soon.

Hope you enjoy! I'll shut up now.

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"Ronald, you swear too much!"

"Dude, stop trying to kill me!"

"Why is that zombie on fire?"

"Zombies die in the sun, dumbass."

I gripped onto my xBox controller, even if I didn't need to, and glued my eyes to the screen. This battle was getting intense, and I was about to die any moment.

The rain poured down, as my character fought with all of his might against Ronald's character. My heart level was going down, and I was running out of weapons to use.

Sebastian and Lizzy were rooting me on, but I couldn't listen to them. I was too focused on what was happening in the fictional world, sweat beating my forehead. I gritted my teeth, as Ronald gave my character one final blow, sending it to Heaven. It died; Not in vain, but in a glorious, meaningful death.

Geez, Minecraft was very frustrating.

"That's the third time, Ronald. I'm done." I huffed. I could never play without Ronald trying to kill me, even in creative mode.

Him and Grell high-fived, doing some extremely complicated fist-bump followed by an even weirder handshake.

I squinted at and examined the annoying red head, who's sharp teeth were really fucking white. I noticed his hair has gotten a tad longer; just barely passed his ears, in luscious, crimson waves.

He looked like a fuckboy in glasses. Same with Ronald.

"Hey Grell, you plan on growing out your hair?" I asked, not expecting the reaction he was about to give me.

He stopped laughing, and he looked hurt for a moment. Then, he leaned back on the couch, and glared at me, with those electric green eyes.

"Maybe..." He mumbled.

What had gotten into him? Oh well.

I turned and saw Sebastian, who was playing with my hair. I frowned, but couldn't help but smile... Just a little.

"What are you doing?" I said, poking his pale cheek. He just smirked, his whine coloured eyes locking with my water coloured ones. Water into whine... haha.

Or wait... Was it whine into water?

My thoughts were interrupted as I saw those eyes of wine coming closer to me, and they closed. I realised Sebastian had kissed me, and my face lit up like... Like... A zombie that caught on fire in Minecraft.

It was too late for me to close my eyes, being that Sebastian had pulled away.

"OOOOOOOOH SEBASTIAN AND CIEL KISSED! HAHAHA!" Cheslock's crazy ass voiced chimed, and I turned around to stare at him.

"Ciel, your blushing." Violet timidly said, using some of my printer paper to draw. My cheeks turned about fifty more shades of red, and I buried my head into Sebastian's lap to hide it.

He leaned down to my cheek, and kissed it. I squirmed in his lap, and watched the screen as Grell and Ronald continued to play.

"Hey, Ciel." Alois perked up from his nap, his golden hair looking like something died in it.

"What?" I asked, trying hard not to laugh at him.

"You should let us all stay the night."

My eyes widened, and I lifted my head from Sebastian's lap.


* * *

There I was, in the middle of a late night game of spin the bottle. Pfft. What an immature game! Do they not realise that the bottle could land on anyone, and not everyone wants to kiss someone in the room?

I sighed in annoyance, and watched as Lizzy nervously spun the bottle. She squeaked when it started to move, and covered her face with her hands.

Too bad Finny wasn't there, or she'd have a good chance.

The bottle spun for a few seconds, and eventually, it slowed down. It landed right on Grell.

I spit out my drink, and fell backwards. Laughter escaped my throat, and Ronald joined me as well.

Cheslock was smirking deviously, clapping his hands together like a retarded seal.

"Gr...Grell! Oh shit," Ronald wheezed, and slapped his shoulder. Lizzy had a terrified, humiliated look on her face, and Grell looked like he had just watched two animals elope. They were both blushing like mad, and boy, was this a great sight to see.

Grell cursed something under his breath, probably directed towards Ronald and I, and reluctantly crawled over to poor Lizzy.

Everyone watched intently, Sebastian and Violet as well. Grell scooted close to the frightened blond, sending a glare towards Alois, who was video taping the whole thing.


The kiss was over in a jiff, and everyone hooted and hollered. If that isn't the best crack ship ever, I don't know what is!

After a few more rounds, I eventually had to spin the bottle. And, if you guys couldn't have guessed it, it landed on Sebastian. Score.

Instead of me leaning in, Sebastian took the honor. He was already close to me, and cupped my face with his strong, pale hands. We both leaned in, and our lips connected. It was passionate, and meaningful. But too short, for my taste.

Speaking of, he tasted like cherries.

We pulled away, and he poked my forehead and smiled.

"I got this whole thing on video!" Alois declared, standing in the middle of the room for no reason. All at once, everyone thew the closest pillow at him, sending the remainder of the evening into a full-blown pillow fight.

None of us got any sleep that night.

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