2: Summer Plans

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The picture above is Cheslock ^

The next morning, well, more like afternoon since everyone slept in, I awoke to Lizzy screeching about something.

Rubbing my eyes and stretching out my legs, I sleepily peered over to see her standing in the hallway on her phone.

"BIG BROTHER, I LOVE YOU!!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!!" She squealed while jumping up and down, sending her golden pigtails bouncing in the air.

"Lizzy! Shut up!" Alois rasped, rolling over next to me. Why the heck was he sleeping next to me? Last time I checked, his girly ass was on the couch.

Lizzy mumbled a few things to her brother and hung up. She excitedly ran into the room, and gripped my shoulders to shake me awake.

"CIEL! GUESS WHERE WE'RE ALL GOING FOR THE SUMMER?" She yelled, her emerald eyes twinkling with happiness. I was getting dizzy, as she was causing my head to fling back and forth.

"Agh... Lizzy stop, just tell me." I slurred, trying to keep myself from passing out.

"My brother won tickets to England, and he wants to take all of us!" This made everyone wake up, and I could feel Sebastian stirring awake from behind me. I also noticed that his arms were wrapped loosely around my waist.

"You mean, England as in London, England?!" Ronald asked, rubbing his glasses with the hem of his shirt and putting them on. Grell did the same, and yawned, showing off his scary looking teeth. Those two could easily be brothers, or even lovers. Yes, if you're wondering, I may or may not secretly ship these two.

"Yes! Him, me, Ciel, Violet, Cheslock, Ronald, Grell, Sebastian, and Alois," She said, pointing to everyone.

"He even won a few extra, so we could bring someone else too!"

Alois shot up from his sleeping position, his crystal blue eyes wide.

"Can I bring Hannah?!" He asked. Lizzy nodded.

"I was going to ask Finny if he wanted to come, but I couldn't get ahold of him. I'll try later." She explained, a hint of hopefulness in her words.

I sat there, awestruck. We were actually getting to go to England? I couldn't complain; I mean, there was absolutely nothing to do in this town. Plus, I've always wanted to go to England.

"You guys all want to go, right?" Lizzy asked, making sure. Everyone nodded in excitement, and Lizzy's bright smile widened.

"It's settled, then!"

* * *

"You know, you're not that strong." Sebastian retorted, as he watched me struggle to pull a suitcase out of my closet. Well who could blame me? This thing weighed like five freaking tons!

"Then, are you gonna stand there like a boob or actually help me do it?" I shot back. He smirked, and unfolded his arms. He stepped away from the wall, and bent down next to me, grabbing onto the bottom of the suitcase.

"Three, two, one, pull!" He counted down, and at once, we both successfully pulled the suitcase out of the closet. It wasn't that big, surprisingly. But its weight said otherwise.

I fell back, and sighed in relief. Sebastian chuckled, and sat down next to me against the bed.

"You're cute when you're exhausted." He said, causing me to blush. I looked over at him, and stuck out my tongue.

"Well... Your sweat smells like... Cinnamon!" I said, folding my arms. This caused him to laugh even harder, and he kissed me on the forehead.

"You're weird, you know that?" He smiled, and stood up. I rolled my eyes, and did so as well.

It was silent for a moment, as I took a small glance around the room. I didn't know exactly what I needed to bring, except for lots of clothes, underwear, food, and my phone.

"How long did Lizzy say we were staying?" I asked, trying to recall if she had mentioned it. Lizzy always fails to be specific or give details, so she probably didn't.

"Mmm..." Sebastian hummed, thinking.

"I think a month? I don't know, we should probably check with her brother."

I nodded, and proceeded to change into some clothes for the day. A black Hetalia t-shirt and some jeans should do the trick.

After changing, Sebastian helped me pack, while everyone went home to do the same.

* * *

My iPhone rang, filling the house with my permanent Attack on Titan ringtone. I swear, it never gets old.

I picked it up, and looked at the screen. It was Lizzy.

"Hello?" I answered, putting it on speaker. I set it on the counter, and nearly tripped when Lizzy's loud voice boomed from the phone.


At that moment, Sebastian walked in, and covered his ears. He winced, and I silently chuckled at his reaction.


Sebastian cocked an eyebrow, and stared at me.

He mouthed the words, 'fencing tournament?' And I shrugged. Lizzy's brother was just as weird as she was.

"Okay, and?" I urged her on for more details, and she paused for a moment.

"...Oh! We'll be staying for a month!"

That's what I wanted to hear.

"Okay, Lizzy. Thanks for letting me know." I said, and watched as Sebastian opened the fridge to get food.

"No problem! Bye, Ciel~!" She cheered, and hung up. I sighed and rubbed my temples, which were aching very badly.

"Goodness, she's loud." I complained, and Sebastian laughed in agreement. I slipped in front of him, as he held the fridge door open. I rummaged for something to eat, and he wrapped his free hand around my torso.

"This is going to be a very fun summer, don't you think?" He asked, resting his head on my shoulder. I nodded.

However, a voice in my mind told me something was bound to happen during this vacation. Whether it be good or bad, I didn't know.

I just had this nagging feeling things were going to get most interesting.

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