5.) Maurice

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A little reminder: I'll be switching to different point of views occasionally through out the story. :) Also, if anyone is wondering, I usually like to refer to Grell as a male. Especially for the flow of this fanfic. Yes I know he's canon trans, I respect that, I'm just not used to referring to him with female pronouns just yet. ^ ^ ,

Grell's POV -

I awoke from a rather long nap, my eyes taking quite a bit to adjust to my surroundings. I squinted, and propped my specs on the bridge of my nose. It took me a moment to remember where I was - on a plane, on the way to London.

Everything felt strange and too quiet, but those were probably the side effects of taking a very long nap.

'Who the hell am I with, again?' I wondered groggily, my mind hazy. I glanced all around the plane, nodding lightly at each person I saw.

There was Ronald in front of me, dozing off. Sebastian was next to me, what a delight that was. Lizzy and Edgar were whispering next to each other, Violet and that creep - sexy creep - Cheslock were playing some weird game. Alois was snoring loudly and next to him, was -

Ciel. I frowned.

I studied him thoroughly, taking note of each trait in his psychical appearance. His jawline, porcelain skin, blue orbs that reminded me of lapis-lazul.

'He isn't so bad looking.' I concluded. Though, something about the little brat irritated me, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Oh, what could it be?!

The fact that he's dating Sebastian? Probably. Or, is it his constant negativity? Maybe it's his cold personality? He has opened up to everyone, I must say, but there's just something about him that I can't seem to shake.

It was a few seconds after, that I realised my phone lighting up. I must've been getting messages from a few hours before, since there's no service on the plane.

I slid my lock screen open, and found a few missed messages from one of my friends, Maurice.

From: Maurice ✨💖

Hello darling, what's going on? - 6 PM

Please answer. - 7:30 PM

Didn't you say you were coming to London with a bunch of buddies? I'd love to meet them! :* - 9 PM

I couldn't answer him, unfortunately. I had forgotten to tell everyone that I had a few friends in London. But, oh well, I suppose it can wait, can it?

I slid my phone into my front pocket, glanced at Ciel one last time, and drifted off into yet another long nap.

Ciel's POV - Normal

When everyone had woken up on the plane the next day, we were delighted to hear that we would arrive in London in just five hours. I was rather worried, since Sebastian still refused to talk to me, though he did in fact make eye contact with me every so often.

'All right, that's enough of that.' I thought bitterly, wishing I could just go up to him and confront him. It was hard to do so, since everyone would hear, and I had no cell service. So that eliminated all chances of me contacting him or talking to him. Maybe, I was just being a wuss.

Then, it was like God heard my thoughts, and immediately brought an answer upon me.

"Alois, can you switch spots for a moment?" My stomach flipped at Sebastian's voice. So smooth, and so sudden.

I looked at Alois, who seemed confused. But he just nodded, and reluctantly went to go sit with Grell... Who didn't seem all to happy about that.

Sebastian and I sat in silence for a moment or two. It wasn't awkward, but more like an intense, thoughtful silence.



We both laughed.

"No, you go first." I said, smiling just a little. Sebastian complied, and turned to face me, the necklace he wore swaying slightly.

"Listen, Ciel. I didn't mean to make you worry, honest." He started. I stayed silent, peeking at him out of the corner of my eye.

"It's just... I was getting suspicious."

"Suspicious? Really? Of what, may I ask?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Well..." He turned slightly to see if anyone was listening, but the gang seemed to be laughing at Alois.

"I thought, for some reason, you and Alois were..."

"Oh my God." I whispered in surprise, bursting into a chuckling mess. Sebastian looked at me with concern, and cocked an eyebrow.

"You really thought...? Me? Him? Ha!" I continued laughing, slapping the seat in front of me.

"Wait, so you two aren't...?" He asked, the pitch in his voice rising.

My laughing slowed, and I turned to him with a reassuring smile.

He smiled back, and leaned in to give me a hug.

"I'm so sorry Ciel, I just thought-"

"Oh Sebastian~!" A sickening voice called, making me irritated all over again.

Sebastian turned to Grell, who was looking at him expectantly.

"Well, I think I'll go back now. I'm sorry if I hurt you." He kissed me on the cheek, and went back to sit with Grell.

'Why is Grell even butting in, anyway?' I wondered.

Alois sat down next to me, sighing.

"So, I take it the lovely couple made up?" He asked teasingly, jabbing me in the arm with his elbow. I smiled, and nodded happily.

"Yeah. It was just a misunderstanding. I feel relived now." I replied. Alois hummed, and seemed lost in thought for a few moments.

"Though, that bad feeling still remains." He said quietly.

I turned to him, and blinked.

"There's still tension in the air for you? I wonder if something is actually going to happen on this trip." I said thoughtfully. The blond nodded, his icy blue orbs dimming some. He seemed troubled and concerned about something, which is unusual. The only thing he's ever concerned about is food, being alone, and boobs.

I rested my head back on my seat, looking at the movie which was playing on the screen. I didn't know the name, but it had something to do with a moving castle. I wasn't sure, but even so, after Sebastian and I cleared things up, I still couldn't let the troubling feeling leave me alone.

Five hours later

"We will now be arriving in London. Please stay seated until the plane has landed. Thank you, and have a wonderful day!" A feminine voice called through the speakers, and everyone sighed in relief.

Soon enough, we were marching our way off of the plane, and a huge wave of excitement took over me. Lizzy was already screaming and fangirling, and Ronald was busy checking out the women. Typical.

"O-Oi, Grell!" He called suddenly, running over to the tired red-head.

"Isn't that Maurice? Did he say he'd meet us here?"

I was extremely confused as to who Maurice was and how those two idiots knew him.

"Who's Mau-"

"Hello hello, darlings!"

The entire group turned in confusion to see said man dancing over to Ronald and Grell. I looked in awe, for I was pretty sure this person was NOT a dude.

He had short, shining blond hair and perfect porcelain skin. His baby blue eyes sparkled with delight as he hugged Grell, his curled tresses bouncing lightly. He seemed to be wearing make up, but I couldn't tell. He had an English accent, and appeared to be very petite and sophisticated.

"Everyone, this is Maurice." Ronald introduced him.

I felt Sebastian's hand take mine as the feminine teen turned to greet us, with the most innocent and angelic smile.

"Hello there, I'm Maurice Cole! It is quite lovely to meet you all."

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