Adoption time

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(Luke's p.o.v)
"So Luke who was that girl you were talking to" Ashton questioned."Uh just a really nice girl named Samantha."wait you have a friend outside the band we NEED to have a party"Michael said slash yelled!All the boys started laugh Calum laughed so hard that he started crying while I was just sitting there mad."Hey that's not funny that is rude" the bus stayed quite for about five minutes."Hey guys I think we should adopt someone I think that would be fun."

(Calum's p.o.v)
"Hey guys I think we should adopt someone I think that would be fun"WHAT LUKE ARE YOU SERIOUS" I yelled mad!"Now Calum calm down Luke you know we won't be able to watch over the child on tour and we can't bring the child on tour."Ash I doesn't have to be a child it can be a teen and we can have the 1d boys come and check on the teen pr we can hire someone".I don't know why Calum was so upset but I just decide to ignore it all the boys fell asleep so I told the bus driver to go to the closest orphanage and surprise the boys.

(Sam's p.o.v)
Once I got to the orphanage I had to get ready so I put on a patterned jumper some brown heals and put a little wave in my hair to top the whole outfit.I also put some peach eyeshadow,mascara,pink reddish lipstick.Once I was done the loud speaker came on "Attention girls visitors will be here in three minutes please report to the showing room and get in your line by your number order."Here is how adoption day works the family or person will go in a small room and they are allowed to ask as much questions about us and they can mark stuff on a peace of paper.Then we go in a room full of chairs and then the Peaple will say who they plan on adopting or if they do want to adopt anybody and that is how it works.I walked and got in my line order in number one because it goes oldest to youngest so since I am the oldest I go first.

(Luke's p.o.v)
We arrived to a orphanage called rose lane I know the boys will be surprised but we can just meet the girls."Hey guys get up we are at a orphanage" and just like that all the boys heads popped straight up."Luke please tell me what we are doing here" Ash said kind of concerned?"Look guys I wanted to adopt someone please can we go in and at least meet the girls"."Fine but that doesn't mean we are adopting anyone" Mickey said so I nodded.We got inside the building it was a old brick building and the smell was horrendous "hi are you interested in adopting some on" the orphanage owner asked."Uh yes actually" she told us how it was going to work so she took us to a room gave us a evaluation sheet and some pens.When the first girl came in I nearly fainted could it be who I think it is.

Sorry I know cliffhangers suck I will make part to soon comment what you think I should work better on in the book stay bueatifull.

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