Just another day at school

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(Samantha's p.o.v.)

"Samantha you have to get up so you will not be late to school"ms.Alberts the orphanige owner yelled.I quickly got dressed in a blink 182 shirt and a Pair of black skinny jeans and some black combat boots.I ran to the bathroom brushed my hair and teeth grabbed my black back pack."Remember today is adoption day so come home right when school is over and I was thinking maybe since tomorrow is your birthday we could go to get our nails done".Uh sure sounds good bye"I grabbed my skate board and walked out the door.I got on and started riding when I was half way to school the schools biggest bully came up and pushed me of the moving skateboard.I fell of and on my butt I hurt really bad considering I fell on concrete.I could here her laugh God why did her parents name her Blessing please she clearly is not.I got of the ground and on my feet I wanted to cry but I held back my tears to show her I'm not weak like she thinks I am."WHAT THE HELL YOU ASSHOLE" I yelled in her face she could definitely tell I was pissed because when I'm pissed my face turns bright red."Some one is feisty why don't you crawl in a hole and die nobody likes or cares about you your a whore you slut bag" was all she said before practically skipping to school.I wanted to cut so bad she was right I should die and I am a whore tears started streaming down my face and I couldn't stop crying nothing ever made me happy anymore.I decided to get back on my stake board and just ride to school.I ended up getting there about 10 minutes early so I pulled out my twilight book and started to read."Hey Samantha can we talk"said the school cutest boy ever.His name is Harry styles (do you see what I did there 🙊) I have had a crush on him since my first day at bass wood elementry he had the cutest curls and his skin every girl at school has a crush on him I mean how can you not."yeah uh sure what is it you want to talk about"i said nervously."I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend" he said with a smile that melted my heart.Wait is this happening is Harry styles really asking me out calm down Sam."Of course"I said jumping up and down
like a fan girl at a concert I pulled him in a hug.Then he backed up laughing "Samantha you didn't think I was asking you out it was a dare" now everyone plus Harry were laughing histarically at me."Oh yeah I knew that"i said running of as the laughs got louder I ran to the girls bathroom locked my self in the stall and cried my eyes out until the bell rang.

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