The queen is dead part 1

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(Emma crawls back into Neal's apartment through the window, while Henry and the twins are waiting outside on the fire escape. Neal is waiting.)

"He wants to meet you," Emma tells Neal before adding on, "and ou... your daughters are out there with him." Emma adds on almost saying our daughters in the process.

"I know, I saw them sneak out there," Neal says referring to Hope and Nikkol.

After a brief pause the male Cassidy asks the question that has been on his mind.

"You weren't going to tell me about him," the son of Rumpelstiltskin asks

"No, I wasn't." The blonde confirmed.

"Yeah, well, he's my kid, too, so you don't get to make that decision by yourself anymore," Neal fire back at the blonde.


Neal got onto the fire escape to see all three of his kids getting along without a problem. Along with Nikkol showing Henry her art.

Neal introduced himself to Henry

While Hope and Nikkol watch the scene with smiles on Both there faces.

Neal also learns that Hope and Nikkol already new about the fairy tale world. How he may never now, but they just did. When he asked them he never got answered.

However the answer to the question is very simple his name is August.


–[New York]–

(Neal, Hope, Nikkol, Henry, Emma, and Mr. Gold walk down a street in New York. Neal, Hope, Nikkol and Henry are talking, while Emma and Mr. Gold trail behind them.)

"So, uh... You like pizza?" Neal ask Henry since he already know his daughters love pizza

"Yeah. Let me guess – you're going to tell me the best pizza's in New York, and I got to try it, right?"

"Actually, it's in the Kingdom of Damarian on the north shore of the Dragon Fields of Zorn. Nah, it's in New York. Here, let's get you a slice," Neal jokes with all three of his kids

"So you're really from there?" Henry questions while Hope and Nikkol look at their father with curiosity written on their faces.

"Yeah, I am." Neal answers

(The four of them enter the pizza shop. Emma and Mr. Gold stand outside.)

"Do you think that we should...," Emma trails off

"If we were welcome, I feel confident an invitation would have been extended. It's a sad truth that the people closest to us are the ones capable of causing us the most pain. That's our common ground, Miss Swan." Gold answered Emma.

"Guess my lying to him just caught up with me," Emma sadly replied to Mr. Gold.

"Ah, give him time. He'll forgive you." Gold tells Emma.

"Is that you projecting your own hopes?," Emma questioned.

"My son and I have some way to go." "Along with my granddaughters as well" Gold added on

"I can see that." Emma deadpanned hating the fact that he called Hope and Nikkol his granddaughters but she didn't say anything.

"I need you to speak to him. Try and convince him and his daughters to come back to Storybrooke with us." The dark one tells her.

" If I recall, there was only one favour I owed you, and I think I'm paid up." Emma snapped back

"This isn't about me anymore. You'll do it for Henry and the Twins". The dark one says having picked up on her close relationship with his discovered granddaughters.

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