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Thursday, September 27th, 9.40 a.m.

"Andrew. Anne." Louis regarded the two as he sat down opposite them in the interrogation room. Harry sat down next to him. "We have news, and a few questions."

Andrew looked about ready to faint. "Did you figure out who did it?"

"No, unfortunately not yet," Louis said.

"Jesus," Anne said. "Do you even have any clue what you're doing?"

"Hey!" Harry snapped. Anne visibly flinched at his voice. "We are doing our best, and we are getting closer and closer, which is why we brought you in today."

"Sorry," Anne apologised. "That was uncalled for. We are just..." She trailed off.

"Stressed," Andrew replied for her. "And... impatient."

Louis tightened his jaw. Great. More to keep him awake at night. The family was impatient. Which was understanding, but still.

Louis was in need of a vacation. And a drink. Those two combined would be more than great. Even better, if he got laid while having a drink and on vacation.

"Well," Harry began. "When we searched through Camille's room, we found a burner phone. Yesterday, we had a meeting with her only contact on the phone. A drug dealer."

Andrew's eyes opened wide, Anne letting out a soft gasp as she said, "Camille took drugs?"

"That we do not know if she did. She didn't have any in her system when she was found, but we can't rule out she never took any. According to her... well, boss, Camille simply sold the drugs at parties and such. Trying to earn money."

Andrew wet his lips. "This can't be true. We didn't allow Camille to party. We wanted her to focus on her studies."

Louis and Harry shared a glance, that clearly meant, strict parents indeed. "Turns out there was a side to your daughter you didn't know," Louis softly spoke. "But we actually wanted to ask you... well, David, the drug dealer, claimed that the reason Camille got this... job, was because she wanted to leave home as soon as she could when school ended. Can you tell us about your home life?"

Harry took his notepad out of his pocket together with a pen, ready to scribble.

Andrew let out a breath. "There isn't much to tell. We might have been... on the stricter side of parenting." Clearly, Louis thought. "We just wanted her to focus on school and studies. Maybe... maybe that's why she wanted to leave, but I can't see how this has any relevance to her case whatsoever."

"We are trying to look into everything there possibly could lead us to something."

Anne tightened her jaw. "And that's going really well, isn't it? No suspects at all. The murderer might just be walking around town, looking for their next victim."

Louis could feel rage begin to boil in his veins, and he had to concentrate very hard to not open his mouth and snap at Anne. How dared she—

Harry stood up abruptly. "I think we are done here. We will send an officer to escort you out. Louis, come with me."

Grudgingly, Louis stood up, following Harry outside into the hallway. As soon as the door closed behind them, Harry turned to Louis, a deep frown on his forehead. "Are you alright? You looked about ready to explode in there."

"I'm fine," Louis said, turning to walk away. He could feel tears form in his eyes, and he needed to get away. "I will just.. grab a smoke."

Harry grabbed his bicep, refraining him from doing so. "Louis!"

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