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Wednesday, November 13th, 9.15 a.m.

"He... what?" Harry asked, baffled. "Why? How?"

"How," Mintz said, "well, he was stabbed in his sleep with glass shards. Died from it. Why, we do not know. But the killer was his cellmate, Travis Conner, a rapist. The interesting thing is, that his bank account, there was suddenly transferred ten thousand euro. This morning."

"From who?" asked Louis.

"We haven't been able to trace it back yet," Mintz said, "but we are trying."

Harry nibbled his bottom lip. "Maybe someone is trying to take down the whole Anderson household."

"Or..." Louis spoke, a theory slowly forming in his head. "Maybe it's Anne."

Harry sat up straighter in his chair. "What do you mean? Do you think she planned on killing Andrew?"

Louis shrugged. "Think about it. Her daughter has just died, and then she finds out her husband has been raping said daughter for years. I mean, Harry, you saw her reaction, she was crushed. Anyone would want him dead."

"Understandably so," mumbled Harry.

Louis raised an eyebrow at him but silently agreed. Ever since he had found out about Andrew, just the thought of the man made him want to see him suffer.

"Right, sorry," Harry said.

"I think we should go to her house to talk to her," Louis said. He could feel his whole body buzzing with the need to work, to do something. "Even if this isn't the case, and someone might actually be targeting the Andersons', we should seek her out. Try and get her in protection." He got up from his chair. "Like, right now."

Harry stood up as well. "I agree. Let's go."

Mintz stood up as well. "Good luck, detectives."

"Thank you, Captain," Louis said, smoothing his hands down his shirt. He turned to Harry. "You ready, partner?"

Harry grinned. "Born ready."

Wednesday, November 13th, 9.30 a.m.

They took Louis' car, getting hurriedly into it. Louis fastened his seatbelt, turning on the ignition. He turned his head to face Harry. "You ready?"

Harry grinned. "I so am."

Louis got the car on the road, excitement filling his veins. They had two theories, and one of them might actually help them lead to the killer of Camille. And even if it turned out that Anne was behind the murder of her husband, it was still work. It was something else than sitting still at his desk. It was something to do.

"What do you think happened?" Harry asked as they drove.

"I can see it both ways, really," Louis said. "I can see why she would want her husband dead, but I can also imagine that someone is after the family as a whole. It sure could look like it."

"Same," Harry said, "but the question is, who would want that, then?"

Louis looked at him with an excited look in his eyes. "That's what we are gonna find out."

Wednesday, November 13th, 9.48 a.m.

Louis parked the car in front of the Andersons' residency, quickly stepping out. Harry followed him. Louis walked around the car, stopping beside Harry. The cool November air was ruffling his hair, making the curls fly around his face. His nose was slightly red, his eyes sparkling.

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