On a distant planet far beyond the reaches of their home, Kael and his father, Carnish, embarked on a training journey, seeking to further hone their Saiyan powers. The planet, known for its treacherous terrain and formidable challenges, offered an ideal backdrop for their relentless pursuit of strength.
As they set foot on the alien soil, the air crackled with anticipation. Kael's childlike excitement was palpable, his eyes shining with an eagerness to push his limits alongside his beloved father. Carnish, ever vigilant and wise, led the way, his years of experience serving as a guiding light for their shared path of growth.
Days turned into weeks as they delved deep into the planet's harsh landscapes, enduring grueling trials and pushing their bodies to the brink. Their training sessions were intense, marked by sweat, determination, and unwavering resolve. Together, they pushed each other to new heights, drawing upon the unbreakable bond between father and son.
Amidst their arduous training, a foreboding presence lingered in the shadows. Unbeknownst to Kael and Carnish, Zethos, the harbinger of destruction, had tracked them to this remote planet. With his malevolent intent burning within him, Zethos sought to eliminate any potential threats to his reign of chaos.
One fateful day, as Kael and Carnish found themselves atop a rocky peak, their muscles aching from the grueling exercises, a dark aura materialized before them. Zethos emerged, his piercing gaze fixated on the Saiyan duo, his sinister smile spreading across his face.
"Well, well, well," Zethos sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "Look who we have here. Carnish, still clinging to your futile hopes of defiance? And a youngling... your son, I presume. How amusing."
Carnish's eyes narrowed, his voice laced with determination. "Zethos, we will not cower before your darkness. We are Saiyans, and we will stand against you, no matter the odds."
Kael, his childlike innocence fused with a fierce determination, stepped forward, his eyes blazing with unwavering resolve. "You won't lay a finger on my family, Zethos! We'll protect each other, no matter what!"
Zethos chuckled, his amusement tinged with a sadistic delight. "How touching. But your determination means nothing in the face of my power." With a swift motion, he unleashed a devastating wave of energy, sending Carnish hurtling backward, crashing against a jagged rock.
Kael's heart raced, a surge of fury and desperation coursing through his veins. The sight of his father, battered and bruised, fueled his determination to unlock his hidden potential. With a primal scream, Kael tapped into the depths of his Saiyan heritage, his golden aura erupting around him.
The transformation was astonishing. Kael's childlike features contorted with a newfound intensity as he ascended to the legendary Super Saiyan form. Raw power surged through his body, his muscles bulging with an otherworldly strength.
Zethos' eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of unease crossing his face. "So, the youngling has unlocked his power," he mused, his voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.
Without hesitation, Kael charged at Zethos, his movements a blur of lightning-fast strikes. The force of their clash sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield, their powers colliding in a spectacular display of light and darkness.
Kael fought with the fury of a warrior possessed, his childlike innocence now
Dragon Ball: The Legend of Carnish
ActionIn a universe filled with powerful Saiyans and mystical Dragon Balls, a new hero named Carnish emerges. Born on the distant planet of Vegeta, Carnish possesses untapped potential and a burning desire to protect his loved ones. As he embarks on an ex...